Officially lost

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*the tension is thick as they drive to the summer house Taylor and Steven remember what happened the other night and they just can't get over what happened the other night*

*they arrive at the summer house and park in the driveway and see aunt julia and a girl outside the house and aunt julia says that she has officially sold the house and she then leaves to go to Boston to make it official*

*they all stand there in silence outside of the house looking at each other not having a clue what to do now they have all officially gave up(at least they slowly are)*

Conrad-This cannot be happening there still had to be something right

*steven thinks for a moment and says*

Steven-Well.....I think there still might be a chance....A chance for us to get back the house

*they all stare at him for a second and they go inside to the kitchen*

Steven-So you know how laurel is in New York right now selling her book? Maybe She can move from our home town to cousins....If she stops renting our house back home?

Belly-Steven....Cmon like laurel even cares about the summer house anymore

Steven-She cares okay? I can tell

*Steven calls laurel but she doesn't answer we call her a few more times and they just stand there in silence now*


*he yells loudly and angrily he just can't believe we are loosing something so special to us*

*we stand there in silence for 10 minutes and we hear laurel calling Steven and we pick up*

Steven-Hey mom I ha-

Laurel-Whats wrong why do you sound so worried

*Conrad goes over to the phone and says to laurel*

Conrad-Steven has been lying to you....Milo and Taylor never broke up it was just an excuse for belly to go to cousins and when we arrived to cousins Aunt Julia was planning on to selling the house and she said that it's official that she will sell the house....We need you here right now and if your not gonna come....It's just gonna prove that you couldn't care less about this house

Laurel-Woah-Slow down Conrad The house is on sale!

*there is a moment of silence and belly comes over to the phone and says*

Belly-Mom!We need you here with us right now our else we're going to loose this house

Laurel-What do you guys want me to do about it

Belly-We want you to save the house......

To be continued........

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