Fighting Milo

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Laurel-Guys I don't have the money

Belly-How about we rent it out isn't it only 2000 dollors ever month

Laurel-That is way to much for me sweetie just wait for me to get there and we will talk it out

*she hangs up and Belly gets a text on her phone and Nicole is inviting her to a party that happens tonight*

Belly-Hey you guys wanna go to a party

Taylor-Oh hell yeah I am so down

Jeremiah-Guys I mean cmon? We are loosing our house and we're going to a party

Taylor-Dude don't be such a party pooper cmon

Cam Cameron-Fine

Conrad-Isn't there something else we can do

Belly-Other then party no the party is tonight

*We all wait and Taylor gets a text on her phone that says Milo is coming to cousins beach*


*she says excited as she jumps up and down and Steven rolls his eyes obviously jealous*

*milo knock on our door and Taylor runs up to him and puts her legs around his waist and hugs him*


Milo-Hey darling

*steven hides his jealously and ignores them*

Belly-You guys are sooo cute

*They all go to the party including Milo Steven gets a beer as he sees Taylor and Milo kissing in the corner and cam Cameron notices his jealously and says*

Cam Cameron-Dude I know exactly how you feel right now

Steven-What? what are you talking about I'm not jealous

*Cam Cameron giggles and says*

Cameron-Yeah right

*he says walking away as Steven watches them making out Milo comes over to Steven and grabs a beer that's behind him and Steven talks to Milo and says*

Steven-So is it getting serious

Milo-Dude she is amazing you should see what she does in bed she is full of surprises

*steven exclaims in disgust and says*

Steven-do you only like her because of that

Milo-Yeah and some other things but mostly that

*this angers Steven and he punches Milo in the face and a crowd gathers around them*

*milo fights back and goes on top of Steven punching him but Steven pushes him off and punches him over and over again and Taylor stands there in shock Jeremiah,Conrad,Cameron all come over and pull Steven off of him but Steven wants more and tries to keep fighting Milo*

Milo-Fuck you!


*he says as he gets out of Conrad,Jeremiah and Cameron's grip and goes towards Milo and punches him again and Taylor tries to get between them but Steven accidentally punches her in the face*


*Belly goes over to Taylor and helps her up as Taylor holds her face*

*Jeremiah Conrad and Cameron go over to Steven again and try to get him off of Milo who are fighting and this time they get him off of him*


*steven is out of breath and  his nose is bleeding and the crowd is looking at them in shock at what just happened Taylor is also in shock and grabs stevens hand and takes him outside where there is more privacy*

Im gonna end it off here this chapter was honestly kinda interesting

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