9. I See All

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Regina woke with kisses along her neck and hands wrapped around her stomach.

Regina wrapped her arms around Viserys shoulders, burrowing her fingers into his hair, holding him just as tight as he held her. His tongue flicked playfully against her lips, and she parted just enough for a taste.

 "Morning my beloved." Viserys whispered against her. She beamed back at him as he kissed along her stomach, he settled between her legs kissing a large circle around her belly button. "Good morning little Aegon, is today the day we get to meet you?" Regina smiled down at him as his hands traced over her thighs. 

"I hope so, I can't wait to meet him." Regina agreed. 

"You are going to be the best mum." Viserys declared. "I see how good you are with Otto's children."

"My very own baby." Regina whispered. 

"I should start getting ready." Viserys murmured getting up. Regina gave a little pout but allowed him to leave the warmth of their bed. "Do you need anything? I know that with everything recently, the maesters have been bugging you a lot but its only because I dont want to lose you Regina." Viserys remarked. She scooted to the edge of the bed to be closer to him. 

"I feel great. I'm young and healthy and I have a great feeling about this Viserys." Regina assured. 

He lifted her to meet him halfway, helping her to her feet. Viserys smiled running his hands over her stomach before he kissed her, capturing her lips again and they both groaned when their mouths collided. It started off slow and hard, but quickly her hands scraped up his chest, over his shoulders, and into his hair, holding him to her. 

"Believe me when I say that everything is going to be okay." Regina assured tapping her stomach against his. 

The people were already celebrating, others were claiming they were jinxing it by celebrating preemptively. Just like Aemma, whispers spun around. The big tourney and then death. 

Regina didnt listen to them. She knew things were going to be okay because as the mirror said, she lived long enough to have a downfall. This was not her down fall she got children, multiple children. The mirror told her that too. She also said a younger woman would steal everything and Regina didnt want to believe that. She was the queen after all. Who could really steal her... Regina's smile faltered as she saw Rhaenyra and ALicent coming down the hall. ALicent waved running a very ladylike run to Regina. 

Rhaenyra. The heir. She would be the person to take Regina's crown one day but as was her right. Regina didnt care. Didnt mind... yet she did. She did mind. Shouldnt her son get the crown one day? 

"Auntie, you look ready to pop!" Alicent declared. 

"I feel it too. A boy, I can tell. He's strong a future king!" Regina declared. Alicent didnt think twice on it but Rhaenyra's face soured. 

"He will never be king." Rhaenyra corrected. 

"Oh she didnt mean it like that. Just strong like the king, like his father he will be." Alicent assured running a hand over Regina's stomach. Regina offered Rhaenyra a tight smile and Rhaenyra knew that wasnt what Regina meant. All of a sudden it felt like war. 

"Can you imagine it?" Regina questioned. "can you imagine the celebrations? The ring bells all day and night! The people will line the streets to get a glimpse of him. My son!" Regina remarked baffled by the idea and yet she loved it too.

"Excuse me, your grace. We have lessons." Rhaenyra remarked shoving past Regina. 

"Have a wonderful lesson, Alicent." Regina said kissing her cheek quickly. 

"Thanks Auntie, dont mind Rhaenyra. SHe's moody sometimes." Alicent offered. 

"Wasnt worried at all." Regina assured. "This is big, things are changing around here... for the better." Regina added. "Have a good lesson my dear." 

Regina felt victorious as she headed to her room, her feet aching and swollen. 

"You see her for who she is." THe mirror said when Regina entered. 

"I dont have to summon you now?" Regina questioned. 

"Rhaenyra. You see now. You see her." The mirror countered stubbornly. 

"I see her but she can't do anything. Viserys loves me. If I asked I'm sure he would rename our son as heir when the time comes." Regina remarked. "I just have to keep my son in line, raise him to be a good and honorable man." Regina went on as she paced the room, a hand on her stomach, she let out a few tight quick breaths feeling pressure on her back. "My Aegon will be king and Rhaenyra will just have to deal." 

"Good." The mirror agreed. "But it wont be that easy." 

"What do you mean?" Regina countered. The mirror sighed pinching the bridge of her nose annoyed it seemed. "Whats wrong?"

"We dont have time." THe mirror admitted. 

"What do you mean? You have somewhere you have to be?" Regina mused. 

"No but you do." The mirror corrected. 

"What?" Regina questioned. 

"Tis time." The mirror beckoned. Regina felt a pain in her stomach and fluid between her legs a moment later. The mirror smirked back at her. "I see all, remember?" She purred. "It is time to welcome Aegon Targaryen into the world." Regina nodded calling for help. A king was about to be born.

Mirror, Mirror /  Viserys TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now