2. I Get What I Want

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"What was it like flying the Black Dread? You were Balerion's last rider."

"Only for a short time before he died. With Balerion died the last memory of Valyria of Old. But Vhagar still lives... somewhere." Viserys said with a sigh.

"Bit too large for the Dragon pit. Some would say too large for our world. Do you know where she nests?" Laena questioned.

"I'm sorry?" Viserys had too much on his mind to be talking dragons with a child, a child he was never going to marry, ever. He knew that for a fact, he didn't know why he was bothering entertaining the idea. 

"You have spoken to him?" Otto questioned. 

"I will speak to him again, I like Viserys," Regina remarked. Otto cocked his head back at her. "I do, he is charming, handsome," Otto rolled his eyes. "You know I want a family like you have, all your boys and little Alicent, I want that. I want to be loved." 

"I want you to be queen."  Otto corrected. "There is a difference between the two." 

"Can't I be queen and be loved?" Regina countered. 

"Do you know where Vhagar is now?" Laena questioned kindly.

"Um, the Dragon keepers believe she made home somewhere on the coast of the Narrow Sea. The workers at Spicetown report hearing her song at times." Viserys told her. "They say it is a sad thing." Viserys added.

"I imagine even dragons get lonely. Your Grace... it would be a great honor to join our houses as they were in Old Valyria. I would give you many children of pure Valyrian blood so that we might strengthen the royal line and the realm." Laena told him, as rehearsed.

"Is that what your father told you to say?" Viserys questioned and she nodded sheepishly.  "What did your mother tell you?" Viserys countered.

"That I wouldn't have to bed you until I turned 14." Laena told him honestly and Viserys sighed.

"Regina," Otto remarked nervously seeing Laena and Viserys in the gardens. She glanced to them. 

"Please, come now, she is a child of 12. I am a woman, there is no competition." Regina assured him.

"Yet Corlys-"

"Is a cunt." Regina agreed. "Selling off his child to Viserys. I want Viserys. I really do and I get what I want." Regina assured him.


'The Small Council is urging me to remarry. It seems the realm wants for a new queen." Viserys told Regina. 

"A good and kind queen will give comfort to your subjects." Regina assured.  "Does the Small Council have a particular lady in mind?''

"Uh..." Viserys said awkwardly. "Lord Corlys Velaryon has offered the hand of his daughter, the Lady Laena."

"Really? Thats odd. She is quite young." Regina remarked honestly.

"I must admit, I, I don't know Laena very well." Viserys admitted.

"Can she even produce you an heir?" Regina questioned. 

"What?" viserys countered as she touched his arm. 

"Laena, she is a child, has she even bleed? Who is to say she isnt barren, its bad luck to make a match with someone so young when your council wants you to have more heirs as I'm sure you do as well." Regina offered. 

"Thats right." Viserys agreed. 

"I want a big family, lots of children, I loved doting on Otto's children but its just not the same as having a child in my own womb," Regina went on. 

"I know you will be a lovely mother... when the time comes of course." Viserys added awkwardly.

"Oh thank you Viserys you are so sweet." Regina coed. "And I almost forgot!" Regina remarked pulling the box from her purse. "I brought you something. I asked the stonemasons to mend it."

"This is, really beautiful Regina." Viserys remarked. 'Very kind. Thank you,'' He said looking over the chest inside revealed a little dragon statue. 

"For the little world you are building." Regina remarked nodding to his miniature figurines oh the capital. He ran his hands along the dragon. 

''You are so thoughtful Regina, yes..." viserys moved putting the dragon on top. "I love it."

"Looks perfect." Regina remarked happily. "I'm so glad you like it." she declared when a knock rapped on the door.


'The Hand, Your Grace.' Harrold told him closing the door as Otto walked in.

'Your Grace, I've called the Small Council to an emergency session.' Otto said looking down at his sister, she smiled sweetly.

"Why?" Viserys questioned.

"I think it best you hear it directly." Otto told him.

"Very well." Viserys agreed, "Excuse me, Regina, I have to..."

"Of course, Viserys. You dont have to explain, I hope everything is alright." Regina added. 

"thank you, and thank you for the dragon." Viserys added as they headed out. Otto glanced back at Regina as she tossed her hair over her shoulder, blowing him a kiss. 


'The Prince left a missive, which I believe might explain.' He cleared his through reading the scroll "It is the pleasure of Daemon Targaryen, the Prince of Dragonstone and rightful heir to the Iron Throne, to announce that he is to take a second wife in the tradition of Old Valyria. She is to assume the title Lady Mysaria of Dragonstone. Her Grace is with child and is to have a dragon's egg placed in the babe's cradle in the custom of House Targaryen." Viserys stared, annoyance filled him.

"The Prince has invited you to his wedding, Your Grace. It is in two days' time."

"Gods be good. Who is Lady Mysaria?" Viserys muttered

"We believe..." Mellos said slowly looking around the group.

"Daemon's whοre." Otto spoke up

'This is nothing less than sedition.''

''I strongly agree, sire.' Otto told him.

"My brother wishes to provoke me. To answer is to give him what he wants." Viserys remarked his hand fisting, needing to punch something.

"The realm is watching, Your Grace."

"What would you have me do? Send him to the Wall? Perhaps I could put his head on a spike." Viserys mused.

"Daemon has seized Dragonstone, has surrounded himself with an army of gold cloaks, and has now stolen a dangerous weapon..." Otto told him.

"Dangerous weapon?" Regina cut in, Viserys looked to the door. "Sorry, you left the door open." She added. "A dragon egg isnt a dangerous weapon yet, i'm sure it has some heft to it but," Regina shrugged. 

"'Either way he needs to be stopped." Otto remarked glaring back at her. 

"Yes of course." Regina agreed. 

"Assemble a detachment, Otto. I will go to Dragonstone and drag Daemon back to face justice myself.' Viserys told him.

'Your Grace. My apologies, Your Grace, but I cannot allow it. It's too dangerous.' Mellos told him.

'Daemon is without limit.'

'Let me go to Dragonstone.' Rhaenyra requested. 

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