Part 2

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I know I shouldn't be here and if I get caught, I'll be in big trouble with my dad the king but I couldn't help it. My father was fighting in the War of the Rogues and he was actually close to the palace. Everyone always spoke of what a great warrior my father was but I had never got to see him in action. I quickly made it to the top of the hill over looking the battle field. Dead bodies scattered the ground, bodies of both wolves and werewolves. Natural wolves always aided the king when the need arose so it was no surprise to see them there as well. Peeking around the tree where I took cover, I scan the field and spot my fathers Beta first. Charles is fighting two rogues and holding his own. Looking to the right I finally spot my father. Him and the rogue king are fighting. My dad swipes at the rogues' side and a big gapping hole appears with blood gushing out. The rogue spins and kicks with his hind legs my dad stumbles but steadies before grabbing the rogues head, twists then yank the head coming clean off the body. It's over I think to myself. My dad can come home and be with me and my mom who is with pup. I start to turn then see out of the corner of my eye an arrow hits my father right in the heart.

"No!!!" I scream as I take off down the hill to the field. I sprint in my small wolve form making it to my father as he hits the ground. Changing quickly, I reach for the arrow to pull it out because I know we can heal even from that as long as it is pulled out fast enough. Before I touch it, Beta Charles pulls my hands away.

"Don't touch it. It's the new poison." I cradle my dad's head and tears start streaming from my eyes. My father looks up and focuses on me.

"My son. T-tell your mom" He grimaces in pain as his eyes lose focus, "Tell her that I-I love her and to take care of my pups."

"No! You tell her! You'll be fine!" I choked out knowing deep in my heart that he was dying. This new poison to us werewolves was created by the rogue king and there was no cure as of yet. It kills within ten minutes at most. My father finds my hand and pats it as another wave of pain crosses his face.

"You will m-make a g-great King my son. St-stay true to our c-code and treat your m-mate like the queen she is. I-I love you." He smiles at me then takes a breath, shudders and the light disappear from his eyes. My tears fall freely and I let out a gut-wrenching howl.

"Prince Liam, Prince Liam" I hear someone calling way off. Then I feel my body shaking. I jerk awake and wildly look around noticing I'm in a limo and Beta Ethan is sitting opposite of me. It was a nightmare. The same nightmare I've had since that night. Every night the same thing happens in my dreams. I relive the moment my dad died and there is nothing I can do to stop it. I run my hand down my face before looking at Ethan. He knows about my dreams and he tries to comfort me as much as he can, but there is only so much he can do. I watch as he pours me a brandy and hands it to me.

"Want to tell me about it?" He asks quietly as I down my shot. He knows what I was dreaming about and I can't deny it he knows me to well. Grimacing I shake my head no.

"There is nothing to tell. It's the same dream as always." He takes the glass from me pouring me another shot. I take it from him and down it quickly. I just want to forget about it. "How much longer to the White River Pack?"

"About four more hours. I had just asked the driver when you started howling in your sleep." I frown and look out the window. I don't like sleeping around people incase I start howling or crying in my sleep. I know I shouldn't be ashamed around Ethan as he has seen me in all states and never says anything about it. He is like a real brother and he understands as he lost his father that day as well. The only difference was he wasn't there to watch the light leave his father's eyes. We sit quietly as I watch the city we had just drove through fade in the distance. We are heading into the mountains and I can't wait to get out of the car and stretch. Maybe in just a few more hours I'll find my mate. I look over at Ethan and notice the dark circles under his eyes.

"Take a nap Ethan you look like shit." I say to him and he laughs.

"Nice Prince Liam, you really know how to make me feel good." He grins at me.

"I'm only stating facts my brother." Ethan just shakes his head and leans back into the seat closing his eyes.

"Wake me before we get there. I want to look good in case my mate is there too." Within five minutes he is out and snoring. I softly chuckle at the snoring. He's snored since Caleb broke his nose at twelve during  a very lively argument . I settle back into the seat opening my briefcase pulling out some work. Only three and half more hours.  

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