•2• Helpi?

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The three mostly spend their time in the daycare being absolutely idiots. The daycare felt like the only safe space in the pizza Plex. None of the three knew whether the mimic still is in the pizza Plex or no. They didn't wanna risk it.

"quit being children already you two." Cassie spoke. Yet the two animatronics still haven't stopped arguing about some stupid things. Cassie sighed as she walks away from the situation. She decide to put on the Vanny mask. Everything is normal. "helpi?" She spoke. She doesn't wanna admit it. But- She missed helpi. Just. A bit. But aside that. There was no respond.

"ugh! Is this mask broken or something!? Or is Helpi just ignoring me!" Cassie groans. She cross her arms and took a deep breath and exhale. Cassie looked around but immediately froze when she saw red eyes. Her breathing starts to get shakey. The red eyes starts getting closer. That's when Cassie run out of there. "ROXY!! ECLIPSE!! RUNNN" She yelled as she continued running but bumps into Roxy who didn't moved.

"what's wrong rockstar?" she asked concerningly. "T-THE-" she tried to calm her breathing down. "oh Cassie..your still alive..how I missed you" The mimic said in Gregory's voice. Even though he was not as near. But that voice echoes in the place. Which only made Cassie situation worse.

Roxy was about to run before looking at Cassie who didn't moved an inch. She was having a hard time,Roxy could see it, She quickly picked up Cassie. "WE NEED TO GO." she yelled. Eclipse nodded and starts run as fast as they can. Roxy follows from behind while carrying Cassie. They ran as fast as they can. Out of the daycare. Anywhere they can. Cassie started to hyperventilate. She never thought she would see..that thing again.

The three of them arrived somewhere where The two animatronics think it's safe.
Roxy set Cassie down on the ground. Cassie was still having a hard time breathing normally. "Eclipse- help!! I don't know how to- comfort-" Roxy whined.

Eclipse sighed as he pulls Cassie into a hug. "Cassie, Take deep breaths Starlight, you fine, There's only me, Rox, and you, He's not here, he's not, Calm down" He spoke in a gentle tone. Cassie tried to take deep breaths which was working. Soon enough she was finally breathing in a normal speed.

"Good job" Eclipse smiled. "Sorry I can't do anything.." Roxy scratches the back of her neck, feeling a bit bad. "it's fine Roxy..you have no experience, I don't blame you for that" Cassie smiled.

"So, We can't go back to the daycare, looks like it got compromised by a." Eclipse was twitching. fighting the urge to say a bad word. Cassie gets out of Eclipse Embrace and crawls to Roxy's Lap and hugs Roxanne, feeling Scared of Eclipse.

"where can we go? Idk any place that is safe.." Spoke Roxy. Eclipse took deep breaths before looking at Roxy and Cassie. "Idk, I mean- what place can't that black thing go?" Asked Eclipse. Cassie giggles. "black thing- pft" She put a hand over her mouth as she continues to giggle silently.

Roxy gently rubbed Cassie's head, "Well- We could make a unused place like this to be our- temporary or forever place/home, You do have to get in here using a vent and let me say, That thing is fat" Roxy smiled. Cassie burries her face in Roxy's Chest, trying to stop herself from laughing loudly.

"What are you talking about- that thing is skinny af" Eclipse looks at Roxy unamused by her joke. "is it though?" Roxy asked while rubbing Cassie back.

"More skinny than you" "I'm sorry. What." Roxy twitches. "Oh- I didn't know you were deaf- Starlight I think you need to fix Roxanne's Ears, you might have forgot to fix them" Eclipse says sassily.

Cassie was gonna pass out from holding in her laughter. Roxy just forced a smile. "At least. It have a goal rather than you. A broken goal. Bro ain't no kids gonna visit your stupid ass Daycare." Roxy smiles. Eclipse Gasp.

"s-stop it-" Cassie manage to say without bursting into laughter. Eclipse just stuck out their tounge at Roxy while Roxy just rolls her eyes. She get in a comfortable position, with Cassie still on her lap trying to stop laughing. She rubs Cassie's back in a way to calm down Cassie.

"I'm fine don't worry about me" Cassie Chuckles. Eclipse crawls over to them and sits comfortable next to Roxy. "A little nap wont hurt.." Cassie Said before closing her eyes and drifting to sleep, while leaning on Roxy. Roxy closed her eyes and powered down, leaning against Eclipse who did not mind it.

Eclipse small smiles before doing the exact same thing. One thing the three hoped badly is that. The mimic doesn't find them.

"I don't get it..why can't I talk to Cassie again?" A familiar small white purple bear said to a glitching bluish? Rabbit. The rabbit let out some glitching noises and the bear seems to understand. "Fine. But just know. I'm not staying hidden for long" The bear scoffed. The rabbit just rolled their eyes.

Wooo! Who might this two characters be? It's probably obvious lol

𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩: 887

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