20.i see you~

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2weeks past by.....

Liz pov:it was 6th pd it was my science class we were taking notes and then the classroom phone rang "oh who could that be now?"the professor asked to himself he talked on the phone for like 10seconds before hanging up

"Liz you leaving"the professor said I picked up my things and went to the front to see my dad waiting for me he looked excited for some reason "why did you pick me up?"I asked "it's a surprise"

I remembered Kyle was supposed to come home!"is Kyle coming back?"I asked he nodded "he's waiting for you kiddo" we drove back to the house and once we got back I couldn't keep my cool in "he's in you room"my dad whispered I walked to my room and opened the door and saw Kyle sitting on my bed "liz...."he opened his arms "KYLE"I ran to him and accidentally knocked him down he both hugged each other close together kyle wouldn't stop crying

"Liz I missed you!!!"he weeped I kissed his lips "my love I wouldn't stop thinking about you!!"I said to him I cried in his chest as my dads watched

Tyler pov:I held links hand while we watched Kyle and Liz hugging each other while ranting about how much they missed and love each other I picked up link and we went to our room I placed him on the bed and I sat next to him sitting in silence "I see you~"link rubbed my tigh whispering to me...."I see you too~"we both leaned in slowly then link moaned for some reason "whoa link calm down~"

"Sorry you looked so hot I thought I need to turn u on~"link put on some soft music and kissed me he topped me as I rubbed his back for abit while we made out

Kyle pov:I snuggled into liz chest crying softly even though I cried for along time "oh kyle I missed you a lot you don't even know how much I cried..."Liz said to me petting my head "I love you so much Liz"I held Liz as close as possible "im so glad your my boyfriend or should I say my future husband?"liz whispered

I kept on fantasizing about me and Liz wedding I love Liz we've been together for almost a year I hope one day me and Liz have a nice beautiful wedding then I suddenly fell asleep like a little baby

2hours later

I woke up to the sound of liz playing his violin he was practicing the song we wrote he looked so cute I can see him...I see you my love "oh kyle you woken up"liz kissed my cheek "I see you liz.."I pet his head "I see you too my love"
"I'm gonna get some water" I got up and went to get water from the kitchen I saw liz dads room open and saw them sleeping they were cuddling with each other while snuggling

I went back to our room and Liz put his violin away and waited for me I drank some of the water and put it on my night stand "I missed you Kyle.."Liz whispered "I missed you too the love of my life..."I said I kissed him

I loved Liz so much he's my one and only "you know do you think we should write lyrics for the song?"liz asked "why?"I question

"Because I'll be performing the song and I want to make a song with lyrics!"liz awnsered

"Hmm? I guess we should!" I said he wants to play the song and wants me to sing it I think it'll be lovely since it's for his parents we started to write some lyrics and ideas for it

We both Wrote the lyrics for awhile and then it was 10:30pm Liz went to sleep and I put the lyrics music into my drawer I wanted to look at it so I did since liz was already dead asleep I decided to practice the lyrics I sang as quietly as possible then Liz woke up I slowly turned my head and he just fixed him self

I put the music away and I laid back down in bed and stared at Liz I couldn't help but love him and snuggled to me and rest his head on my chest and his arm was holding onto me

I felt happy to be back home with the people who saved my life I really want to marry Liz I held onto his soft and warm body

"Sleep tight my future husband.."I whispered he smiled and held onto me

Link pov:it's about to be 11pm im waiting for Tyler to finish his shower once he finished he got out whistling while drying his hair with his towel he put the towel away and laid down next to me "so my love? Why am I inlove with you?" Tyler asked

"Heh I don't know maybe because you made the first move?"i said we got in bed and cuddled "I love you link..I see you..."Tyler said

"I see you too.."I said as I drifted to sleep Tyler held onto me and he went to sleep as well

 A Beautiful Violin.....Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora