Chapter 3: Traumatic memories

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Trigger Warning (Sexual assault)

Darkness had washed over the streets and the crickets croaked into the night. Distant noise from the city made its way across the night and all the way to the outskirts of Seoul. Luna's room was almost completely dark aside from the glow of Jaeun’s laptop as she played a game to pass the time.

Jaeun sighed and closed her laptop and put it in her laptop bag. “Dalhyun, why are you so fidgety today?” she asked as Luna played with her bracelet. “It’s nothing…” Luna said, avoiding eye contact with her best friend.

Jaeun smirked. “You want a kiss?” Jaeun asked, lightly caressing Luna's cheek. Luna suddenly pushed Jaeun so she was lying on her back and initiated a kiss. Jaeun welcomed this gesture, closing her eyes as she got lost in the moment.

“Hey girls do you wan-” Minseo froze as she saw Jaeun and Luna making out. Minseo cleared her throat loudly. Luna broke the kiss and looked up. She quickly rolled off Jaeun and made sure her hoodie was pulled down as she sat up straight.

“Mom...we-we were just-we d-di-” Minseo cut Luna off, “First, I ordered pizza for you girls, is that fine?” Jaeun and Luna nodded. Minseo continued with a light chuckle, “Now explain why I walked in on my daughter making out with her best friend.”

“I was-we were j-just playing around,” Luna stammered. Minseo chuckled. “Of course you were. Just be thankful it was just me who walked in and not someone else,” She joked.

“Who else could have walked in on us?” Jaeun asked. “My boyfriend,” Minseo said, smirking. “Mom!” whined Luna, “You said that you don't have one.”

“Calm down, I'm only joking honey,” Minseo said, sitting next to her daughter. “Anyway, Luna, isn't this yours? Didn’t you lose it ages ago? Don’t worry honey, I found it like this, I didn’t read it.” Minseo said, showing Luna a small pink book with a necklace wrapped around it.

Luna's smile vanished as she stared at the necklace. “Luna honey, are you okay?” Minseo asked, putting the book and necklace down. “Junghyun...that necklace...he forced me...m-mom,” Luna couldn't say anything else so she instead hugged Minseo tightly.

Trigger Warning (S/A)

“Dalhyun, are you busy?” My father said, entering my room and locking my door. “Yes I am. Why are you locking the door? And don’t call me that,” I said, looking up from my phone.

“Don't question me. Now, if I recall correctly, Minseo gave you this necklace for your birthday,” He said, holding up the locket that mom gave me for my sixteenth birthday. The pendent contained a picture of me, mom and mom’s best friend.

“How did you get that? Give it back to me!” I exclaimed angrily, standing up, trying to grab it from him. “You want it back? Well you only get it back if you do as I say,” He said and pinned my hands behind my back. Now that he was so close behind me, I could smell the alcohol. I should have known by what he called me.

“What are you doin-” he pulled down my pants and I felt him touch me. “No, please, sto-MOM! HELP!” I shouted as I felt him enter me. It hurt so much but he didn't stop.

“They aren't going to help you. They are gone out. Now look at their faces, look at how they can't save you. They tried to keep my daughter from me but they forgot who is the man in this house,” He taunted, holding the pendent in front of me as he enjoyed my cries for help. “They will find out, I will make sure they do,” I said, feeling like I was going to throw up. I felt the pain spread though my body as I started crying.

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