Chapter 37

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3rd person pov - Gabriel and Cameron

With the late afternoon sun casting slanted lines into his room Gabriel lay on his bed with his feet on the wall, staring at the ceiling. After arriving home from his ordeal at the mall he hadn't had time to sleep before school. It was now four and he'd just sent his mother away after she'd tried to check on him.

His phone buzzing with a call drew his attention to his phone resting in his hand. He raised his hand to check the caller ID, swiping to answer when he saw it was Cameron.

"Gamma Cameron?"

"Hey Gabriel. I wanted to ask if you'd be willing to help-"

"Sure! Anything!" Wide-eyed, Gabriel swung himself upright, leaning over his knees and began to slide his shoes on.

"Come to Alpha Xavier's house. I'm manning the office phone and could use some help keeping everything organized."

"I'm on my way." He grabbed his keys and kissed his mother's cheek as he left his house.

Cameron was on his cell phone, pacing the front porch when Gabriel arrived and parked his car beside Cameron's.

Getting out of his car he noticed Alpha Xavier's car was also parked at the house. Approaching the porch he caught Cameron's eye and pointed at the alpha's car questioningly. Cameron nodded his chin upward and held up a finger indicating he knew Gabriel had questions and would answer them as soon as he was off the phone.

"Thank you, I'll pass it on. Oh, by the way, I'm having Gabriel help out at the office... okay, keep me posted... bye." Cameron ended his call and gave Gabriel a tight, closed mouth smile. "Thanks for coming. I'm drowning here." He opened the door to the house and waited for Gabriel to enter.

Gabriel nodded and entered the house, stepping aside for Cameron.

"Xavier and Jordan decided neither of them is safe to drive right now. Dreydon and James are with them." Cameron gestured for Gabriel to follow him.

"When will they be back?"

"They're not returning until they have Ash and Alice with them," Cameron answered.

Gabriel gave Cameron a double take. "Where will they be staying?" He followed the Gamma into Xavier's home office, pausing when he saw the set up Cameron had begun.

The desk and chairs were buried under files and stacks of papers. There was a map tacked to the wall with colored pins marking all up to date information from the field, where Xavier and Jordan were, including affected territories and settlements. Beside the map was a white board detailing, in no particular order, what was on the map, the contact information of everyone currently involved or who Cameron still needed to contact, as well as a break down of events.

To Gabriel's eyes it was a jumbled mess. All that was missing was a web of string. "Better question: what is going on here? What is all this mess?"

Once Cameron explained what everything was, Gabriel held out a hand, saying, "Give me a paper and pen. I'm going to clean this up so it makes more sense."

Two hours later Gabriel had the map and white board color coordinated, with all the information precisely sectioned, with plenty of room for any add-ons. He and Cameron were sitting on the floor sorting through the stacks of papers and munching on pizza.


3rd person pov - Hail and Jasmine

"Why did he have to take you, though?... There are other warriors in this pack!... But I miss you..."

Hail clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes, leaving her own bedroom so she wouldn't have to listen to Jasmine whining on the phone to her mate. Dreydon had finally called her back after leaving with the Alpha early in the morning.

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