"Yes, ma'am," I say obediently and eat.

"So what are we going to do today?" Henry asks Jeremy. Jeremy tilts his head to think about it for a while.

"I still have to finish the project brainstorming with Jenn first. We're going to fail if we don't hurry up and-" Jeremy stops when he finally realizes that my parents are still here, listening to the words he is saying. I give him the biggest stink eye I could manage and look over to see my parent's reaction to the news of my possible failure in a class. Their faces are trying to be as calm as possible but it is obviously that I will be getting a mouthful for this later on. Jeremy laughs and tries to relieve them.

"Don't worry about it, we are going to do just fine, I mean I already have an idea and we can start working today. We still have a couple months left to finish it, too," He smiles brightly. The tension of my parents are relieved and but they are still anxious about it. Jeremy, don't you just love to die? I throw my plate in the sink and move to my room before my parents could pry about it. Jeremy follows me and knocks on my door that is absolutely wide open anyway.

"Sorry about that," He says. I nod.

"What are you going to do today?"

"I'm going to stay home and study or sleep or make myself food so I don't starve," I reply. "But basically anything that doesn't have to do with you."

"You're so cold," Jeremy complains but he is smiling. "Do you want to get ice cream with me?"

"You're so stupid, it's the middle of winter right now," I look at him weirdly.

"That doesn't mean that you can't go eat ice cream. Ice cream is good anywhere anytime," He grins and puts his hand out. "Come on, partner. We have to think of an idea, too."

"I knew you were just lying about having an idea," I roll my eyes. "I'm going to change, get out."

"You have a soft spot for ice cream, you know. You always have."

I don't reply as I close my door and fish through my closet to look for and outfit. Wait, Henry is also coming right? I take out a cropped shirt and some jeans, putting on a tank underneath so that my skin doesn't show but looks like it has layers. I put on a thick coat and some socks on. I open the door and go downstairs, seeing that Jeremy is talking and laughing with my parents. Going to eat ice cream with Jeremy . . . it seems like a date. Only Henry is there and he's too protective to let me date.

"Oh, she's ready," Jeremy says, "I already asked you parents for permission, you don't have to worry. Let's go, Henry."

Jeremy gets shotgun and Henry drives. We go back to Henry's house and I wait as the boys get changed. Eventually they make it down and Jeremy looks absolutely mad that his outfit isn't fashionable and coordinated. He had to borrow Henry's clothes since going back to his house was going to take up too much time. But in the end, we go to his house anyway. It's big as mine and is probably even bigger. The whole design is minimalistic, matching up with Jeremy's personality. The walls are white, as is the floor with a touch of black on the rug and tables. Neat and organized--but I assume that is because the cleaning lady does a good job.

I venture around the house for a bit since Jeremy was taking too long. I spot a room with the doors wide open--huge bed, definitely the master bedroom. His parent's wedding picture is hung up on the wall above the massive bed. He was right about his parents not being home all of the time. Their rooms and their clothes aren't even here. Nothing that belongs to them is in this room at all.

Jeremy calls for us to leave. He must be lonely . . . I peek up at him walking out the door and catch him doing the same to me. Henry also notices the way we are acting.

The Dimple Project [Camp NaNoWriMo 2015]Where stories live. Discover now