"-Gregorys house-" 1/1 bonus

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Christophes p.o.v :

I woke up from the sun appearing from the curtains.  I notice I'm not in my dirty, smoke smelling room. I'm in a clean, uh. Clean smell? I notice that I feel an arm around me so I look over, and see gregory.  I was red. Like red. I tried to wake up gregory because we have school,  if I'm late again PC principal will literally go psycho on me. I finally woke up gregory after like 10 MINUTES OF TRYING. "Christophe?.. what time is it-" I haven't checked. I grab my cracked phone and check the time, it read '6:08' eh. Thought it was like 7. "O. Its 6:08" I say "whyd u wake me then-" it seems he noticed his arm around me and quickly moved it. "Sorry.." he says looking at the wall. "It's fine I guess." I get up and notice I didn't bring the clothes I was gonna change into. I change everyyy... 5 days? Today was the 6th but eh. "Gregory can I barrow a shirt, I forgot mine" I say, I didn't wanna ask for pants cuz. Just cuz.  "Sure" he says getting up and going to his closet to grab one. He pulls out a black shirt and hands it to me. I take it and go to the bathroom to change. I changed into it, but it had his scent on it. It smelled nothing like dirt or smoke. And yk his little girlfriend proectors can scent him. So I just decided to wear it idgaf if they smell it. I walk out and Gregory's already changed. Damn how long was i in there for? I grab my shoes and put them on as gregory walks into the bathroom to brush his teeth. I didn't bring my toothbrush, so I won't use his or anyone's unless it's mine.. that's gross. I wait for him to finish so we can leave.  I check the time '7:02' we still have 28 minutes until we leave. In the corner of my eye I see gregory lift up his sleeve and I swear I notice like 10 scars. I walk over and ask him about it. "Hey can i do something rq?" "Uh sure?" He says and I grab his arm and pull up his sleeve. I was right. "Christophe- what are you doing " he says "what happened?" I say. "uh.. accident while cooking" I decide to ask more later at school.  We walk outside and wait for the bus. We talk until the bus came and we got on and waited to get to hell.

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