Death Parade ☠ Chapter 1

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I felt my body moving, but I couldn't see anything. I could hear faint noises, but couldn't quite tell what it was. It was like my senses weren't fully there, or didn't want to fully cooperate. Finally I felt as if my body weighed down on itself and it was slightly hard to stand... I'm standing, then how am I moving? I couldn't possibly be sleepwalking, could I? I heard a soft ding ring out and my body swayed ever so lightly before I was left there completely still. I found that I could open my eyes and finally did, but instantly regretted trying to do so. I clamped my eyes back shut and pulled my hands up to shield them from the blinding light. I heard more noises, this time more clearly. What the hell is going on? First I'm walking home from work and now I'm here... Right.. I was walking home from work. I had to work longer today because somebody called out... But what happened after that?

I shook my head trying to shake the dazed feeling and slowly brought my hands away from my face, slowly opening my eyes while letting them adjust to the light. Finally standing there, being able to see I noticed that I was in... an elevator? I raised a brow in question and stared out the open elevator doors curiously. I slowly made my way out of the elevator and peeked around, it was a semi dark hallway. There were maroon colored walls with intricate gold colored decorations on the walls. Other than that nothing, the walls were bear. When you walk out of the elevator there's this almost stage. It completely covered the floor around the elevators before turning into a pathway a bit aways. I 'hmph' under my breath and followed it. Oh great, not even here for a minute and I'm already being led to my death. I thought with a sigh. I narrowed my eyes a bit but continued down the hallways. I just hope Aoi is okay... I wonder if he's called the police or something to report me missing. That boy, you never know with him, he's almost always unpredictable. I chuckled out loud before stopping and looking around the new area I was in now.

There was sand under the bridge I was on. The room I entered was bigger than the last one, but also different. There were two rocks on either side of the stage as decoration. Some grass around it, one even had an umbrella leaning against it. Zen Garden, I've seen small scale ones but to actually be in one? I continued walking, marveling over the area around me. Finally it led to a staircase, I looked up at them flatly and sighed once more. I just want to go home and eat dinner. Hang out with Aio a little bit, take a nice long shower and then finally crash for the night... That makes me think. How long has it been since I left work? Half hour, a day, week...? Aoi, I hope you don't do anything reckless while I'm gone. I swear if you trash the house... I smiled quickly at the thoughts of my brother with the house to himself, before letting it fade away before walking up the stairs slowly. It was kind of narrow, but it was just a short way till I made it to the top.

"Hey." I heard someone call out, less than thrilled. Their voice was low and raspy. To say the least... hot. Oh geez... I mentally sweat dropped before turning to the right of me. I stared, eyes now glued on the guy behind a bar counter. He was tall, even from the distance away from where I was standing I could tell. He has short red, orange spiked hair that was tied into a small ponytail. His eyes were unlike anything I've ever seen, something I suddenly found myself lost in. They were yellow but for some odd reason had four small circle-like parts on each 'corner' of the eye. That was a dark shade of yellow, almost orange. He had eyes of fire, burning with beauty. And to top it off, he was dressed like a bartender. Just where in the hell am I? I couldn't help but to stare at him for another moment, finally able to tear my gaze away from him and looked around to examine the room behind him. And that totally wasn't because I felt awkward for staring too long. Shelves... Lined with booze. In front of the bar stand were red leather stools. On the table were some kokeshi dolls. 


اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
Emotion Breaker // 𝔾𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕚حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن