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Dear Yugo,
Noctyx premiered their second song!
It's called "Lunam"
I don't know if it's because I miss you too much, but the picture has a rather empty space that I think was meant for you

Dear Yugo,
Noctyx got 2.0 outfits!
They look soooooo good
I wonder what your 2.0 would look like?

Dear Yugo,
Everyone seems to have forgotten you...
You were the talk of vtuber news when you left
But now I don't see anything recent that's about you
I feel like I'm one of the only people who remember you

Dear Yugo,
I'm glad you're doing what you want, independently now
It's nice to know you're still here, watching over everyone

Dear Yugo,
Have you seen Nina yet?
Tell her I said "hi!" when you do!
I know most people don't like Zaion, but say "hi" to her for me too!

Dear Yugo,
Mysta's going to go to meet you, Nina, and Zaion soon
As soon as he announced it, people started talking about "First Yugo, then Nina, now Mysta?"
And they started being sad and personally, I think they're selfish
I mean, the relationship between fan and oshi is not nearly close as the bond genmates and coworkers have
They literally have no right to be sad while the other Niji EN members are staying strong
They should be comforting Niji EN livers
And...it makes me sad to know that they only remember you for the fact that you were the first to graduate, and not for everything else special about you

Dear Yugo,
I saw some pictures that made me cry

Dear Yugo,I saw some pictures that made me cry

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I know, I know, they shouldn't have associated Unnamed with you, and yes, I did remind them, but I had to save these photos

Dear Yugo,
This will be my last letter to you
Since I'm graduating alongside Mysta
I'm gonna be less and less active
I want to focus on my studies
Goodbye Yugo!
I'll miss writing these
Don't miss me too much!

Goodbye Yugo!I'll miss writing theseDon't miss me too much!

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