Chapter 04 - Dealing With Trouble

Start from the beginning

Felix examined the two, then answered, "It's quite obvious to tell that Sullivan here is telling the truth. I believe that's all for now," he said, reading his watch, "As I must be going now. But remember, Sullivan, you have potential."

When the Prefect had left, Merula and Samwise were left alone, watching each other in distaste.

"I can't believe you would steal my credit," barked Samwise.

"Oh boo-hoo, grow up." scolded Merula, "And plus, what would you rather have me do? Tell your sister you sabotaged her potion? Yeah, I bet she'll love that."

Merula paused, before her faced turned devious, as if she were realising it wasn't such a bad idea.

"Merula," announced Samwise, "Don't."

"Then stop me," smirked Merula, rushing out of the Common Room.

Samwise ran after her, but soon realised that he had lost her. He facepalmed himself, "I'm dead."

He had done nothing else for the rest of the day but lay down and worry. No studying, no socialising... It's not like he would do either anyways. But it was that night that his sister had sent an Owl.

"Dear Samwise Sullivan,

I have been informed by Merula Snyde that you are the culprit for the Bulbadox powder incident.

Please meet me at the corridor immediately so that we can discuss this issue. Do not bring anybody (or anything) else besides yourself.

Yours sincerely,

Your sister,
Samantha Sullivan."

Oh yeah, he was dead. It would be bad to go and meet her, but then again it would be worse to avoid it. And so, Samwise left, reluctantly. He followed the note - he went to the corridor and brought nothing but himself. Except for his wand of course. He didn't know why, but it was his intuition...

So when Samwise entered and he found a magical plant with the ability to constrict or strangle anything in its surrounding environment, he was more or less shocked.

"Bye bye Sullivan!" laughed Merula from outside, locking the door, "Now you won't be able to stop me!"

She chuckled as she walked away, repeating, "Time to tell Samantha!"

Samwise leapt up and struggled against towards a damp wall. He had to struggle because the moment he had landed, the plant had started to twist snake-like tendrils around his ankles. Samwise watched in horror as he fought to pull the plant off them, but the more they strained against it, the tighter and faster the plant wound around them.

He had to think fast... Jacob had told him something about a familiar plant once. Devil's Snare, was it? He had a flashback, to Jacob reading a Herbology book to him.

The two were sitting in the old oak tree, and Samwise was around seven. Jacob began explaining Herbology to him, reading... "It is composed of a mass of soft, springy tendrils and vines that possessed some sense of touch, and resembled the Flitterbloom. This plant used its creepers and tendrils to ensnare anyone who touched it, binding their arms and legs and eventually choking them. The harder a person struggled against Devil's Snare, the faster and more tightly it bound them."

Samwise had watched in amazement of his big brother, his idol, reading such big, complex words so effortlessly. Sure, at the time, he understood none of it and the attempt seemed worthless, but Samwise saw now that it had much value.

He needed to remember the rest quick, as the plant began choking on him harder and faster.

In the flashback, Jacob continued, "It would stop its movement in the environment in front of bright light and would recoil away from the heat of fire, so a well-placed fire or light based spell such as the Bluebell Flames, Fire-Making Spell, or the spell known as-"

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