Chapter 56: Politics by a New god

Start from the beginning

Most people all over the world knew about the existence of mutants before this. Most of the people had heard about them but there were a few who didn't believe in their existence, treating it like a fairy tale.

But these huge campaigns made it clear that there were super-powered humans living among the people. Even many official governments and high-positioned politicians accepted the existence of the mutants in front of the public erasing any doubt the people had.

This brought about a huge change as general public opinion fractured mostly into three groups.

One advocated for the freedom of the metahumans saying that they should be given the general rights as any other normal people.

The second group of people was against them denying the existence of mutant kind saying that a cure should be made to cure their 'sickness' while until then they should not be allowed among the normal people.

The last group on the other hand demanded that metahumans should be allowed to live their own lives freely while it should be made sure that they would not be able to use their powers in public.

It was a good thing that most of the social media platforms weren't invented yet, or there would have been the biggest-ever social media battle between the people of the three different factions.

However, I was just happy to see that the people who supported Metahumans were in the majority. This made my future plans way easier.

I had already passed almost all the policies through the US Senate I needed to get my master plan in motion except one. I was soon going to try to pass this policy as well, but I was sure that it would be opposed like never before.

I knew that if I tried to pass this new policy, I would be opposed not just by different sections of the government that I still didn't have any control over but also by all the numerous secret societies that controlled the world like the Ten Rings, the Hand, and even Hydra.

That's why I was waiting for the right time. I would pass this last required bill at a time when the government would not be able to say no. I was waiting for a global threat-level disaster to emerge which even an organization like Shield wouldn't be able to handle.

Anyways, as I was saying, the council ruling Genosha currently was doing a very good job. It not only had Selene as its leader but also had representatives from the previous government of Genosha, Callisto as the representative of the Morlocks who had also settled on the island as its citizens.

I had made very clear as the 'god and guardian' of the nation that there would not be any discrimination among metahumans for their appearance, powers, or anything of that sort. I had strictly banned any kind of discrimination or racism in the country whatsoever.

Of course, there were a lot of people who didn't like that, but they were all shown the door to our newly made anti-quirk prisons that we had constructed to punish criminals.

The ruling council even included Ororo as the representative of the X-men in the country. This was mainly because I thought that she could actually become a good ruler with time and could do some good for the people here as well.

Of course, the bald professor tried to nominate himself for the job but I respectfully declined by saying that he was more needed in his school than in the political council of Genosha.

Vanessa and Psylocke didn't want any responsibilities in the government whatsoever. They instead were happy to do field jobs like being spies to enter enemy territories and gather information or just plain old corporate sabotage.

For some reason, Vanessa had even started calling themselves the Deadly Ninja duo. And I thought I was a chunibyo.

Emma also wanted to be on the political council. She literally gave a bl*wjob trying to get that position. But of course, I as the sigma god didn't give in. All she got was the vacant position of the CEO of Meta International...

Wait, now that I think about it, that position is extremely powerful too due to the sheer amount of wealth and influence the company has. Tchh, should have taken her an*l virginity too for that.

Anyways, I think I am doing quite well with making my plans and dreams into a reality. Maybe I can afford to go on a date or two to relax after all.


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