𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐲 ⎯ 𝐈

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Remi uncomfortably shuffled in her bed. She groaned when faintly hearing her phone alarm attempting to awaken her. She softly opened her eyes as she looked over at her phone, turning the alarm off. Remi then finally decided to lift herself from the mattress and sat there momentarily.

She then examined her bedroom. It was real messy, like really messy. She had documents and lined paper scattered around her work desk, some was even scrambled across the floor. Remi had been working overtime these last few days and it seemed to be really taking a toll on her. She snatches her phone off the charger and immediately checks her notifications.

There was nothing but updates from her boss. She sighed, gently slamming the phone down on the bed then somehow maneuvered herself to the bathroom. Remi examines her current state in the bathroom mirror. "God.. how much did I work last night?" She quietly muttered as she started her morning routine by brushing her teeth.

30 minutes later

Remi was officially dressed. She glances around her room one more time, making sure not to leave anything behind.




She immediately turned at the sound of her phone. Remi walked over to answer the call, it was from her supervisor. "Remi, are you leaving your house?" She questions over the phone. Remi hummed as she gathered her stuff, speed walking over to the front door.

"What's wrong? Did the boss not approve of our entry?" She interrogated.

"I don't know, but I heard that the boss wanted to have a meeting with the chart one team."

"Okay, coming to the building now." She then ended the call. She threw her phone onto the passenger seat, and started her car.

at the mega-net building

Remi walked in the building, immediately heading to the conference room. She exited the elevator and walked to the room, seeing her colleagues in the conference room already with the boss pacing around as he seemed to be lecturing them.

Remi breathed in, walking in the conference room as everyone turned to look at her finally appearing. "Ah! Ms. Nevada has arrived." The boss mentioned as Remi nervously smiles, walking over to an empty chair that coincidentally seemed to be sitting next to her supervisor. They both made eye contact with each other and softly smiled as Remi sat down, getting herself comfortable.

"Now, to talk about the entry that Ms. Nevada sent in. I have been recently noticing that she has been on her A game these past couple months. And I actually have some good news that can maybe bring her up in the ranks." Remi saw her boss smile lightly.

"You're lucky, the boss is talking about you in nice way." Kami, Remi's supervisor, says with a smile around her mouth.

Remi tends to smile too. "I know.. I'm glad he understands my work finally." Remi replies, they both smiled at each other as they started paying attention to the lecture. "Ms. Nevada.. you're going to collect information on the Hamada family at their official company." Everyone turned to face Remi as her eyes widened in amazement. Her heart was pounding with excitement and she started to smile widely.

"Thank.. thank you, I don't even know what to say." Remi shyly says.

The boss smiles. "You deserve it. You basically need to act as if you want to get hired.. I heard they're taking new employees around this time of year. Your interview starts tomorrow, take time on your off day to ready yourself for the interview." Remi hummed in agreement as the boss dismissed everyone from the meeting.

Remi left the conference room with Kami following behind her. "You get to journalize the Hamada family in person. No more hiding with cameras, you can be around them and not get suspected.. unless you're tacky with your work." Remi laughed the supervisor's comment as they both walked to the elevator.

"You know I'm never tacky when it comes to my work. I got this and I know I do.." Remi confidently says. She and Kami found themselves at the lobby of the Mega-Net building.

Kami and Remi walked out the building, casually stopping in front of the entrance to talk a little more. "You better ace this.. I have faith in you." Kami encourages with a smile around her mouth.

Remi smiled back.

"Well, I have to shop for some clothes that can make me believable for my interview."

𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 , 𝐘𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐎 𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐀Where stories live. Discover now