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He is something,

Ea and Patya are like parallel lines that must and should never met, but they did and at first, it's the best thing in the world and then next thing they're screaming each other's name late at night when they woken up from their nightmares.

In the library just on the southeast corner of their school (which is surrounded with trees – huge old growth elm trees) they spent their summer afternoon, Patya reading his books and Ea writing her poems,

Every now and then, Patya would tear his eyes off on the pages of his novel and (tell) ask Ea the meaning of a something,

"Amor et melle et felle est fecundissimus" Patya once said

their eyes met.

"Ita vero" Ea said back

And she goes back on writing, Patya would then spend the rest of the afternoon with his elbow on the table staring at this girl.

She is something.

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