You know John can't hear you but you need to let it out.

"I don't have the flashiest gadgets, I don't have super strength. But what I do have is guts" he continues.
"Something Captain America always had, always need to have and I'm gonna need every ounce of it. Because I got big shoes to fill." He says, you let out a heavy sigh. Placing Noah down on the carpet. He starts grabbing his toys.

"So a little birdie informed us, that you and Mya Stark are dating. How did that happen?" She asks, your eyes widen. How the hell do they know? And why is that coming up? You think to yourself.

"Oh I don't talk about my personal life" he chuckles, making the crowd boo.

"Come on John, everyone is wanting to know if Captain America is single" she says, the crowd cheers. He looks around and lets out a soft laugh. "Oh man, yes, Mya is such a sweet, beautiful woman and I am beyond grateful that she actually went on a date with me. It makes me feel closer to them." He smiles. You shake your head furiously.

"What the hell..." you huff under your breath.

"So Captain America is taken by Tony Stark's daughter? How sweet." She says. The crowd Awws. "What can I say I got lucky. She's wonderful!" he shrugs.

"Has she introduced you to any of the Avengers?" She asks him. "No, no, we don't talk about any of that stuff!"

"I see. So what about Steve Rogers though? Did you know him?" She asks, you quickly look up hearing Steve's name.

"I was two years out of West Point when Steve came back on the scene. I followed his career very closely as an Avenger. I like to think that I modeled my work after his." He says. You shake your head and stand up pacing in the living room. "No, you will never be like Steve." You say with tears in your eyes.

"You've always wanted to be a hero?" She asks him.

"I liked that what I was doing would make people feel safe. Steve Rogers was that kind of guy who could do that, he gave me hope. Even though I never met him, he feels like a brother" he says, you feel your blood boil and turn off the TV.

"Brother? HELL NO!!!" You yell at the now blank TV screen. How the hell can he talk about him?

A few minutes later, your phone starts ringing, you look down and see John's name. You roll your eyes.

You don't know if you should answer.

After about the 5th ring you accept the call but don't talk.

"Mya?" he says.

"How could you, John?"

"I wanted to tell you. But I didn't know how."

"You've known this whole time?" You ask

He takes a long pause. "I- I did." He sighs.

"Is that why you asked me out? So you could use our names on TV for popularity!" You huff, you felt used, it made you so angry.

"No, no. I - I didn't know you were a Stark until that night we had dinner. I swear Mya, that was not my plan at all." he says. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, please don't be mad" he adds.

"I'm furious." You say honestly and rub your temple. "Steve Rogers was one of the most important people in my life. My grandpa made HIM that shield, which HE left for Sam!" You emphasize, you were trying to stay calm but it was so hard.

"I didn't ask for this, they gave me the title. How could I say no?" he says. "Just like that John."

"I couldn't, I just need you to accept it okay, I really like you. I've had a great time talking to you. I want us to work out." he says.

"It's not."

"Mya. Come on. I can prove to you-" you interrupt him. "No I don't need you to prove anything to me. I need you to give it up."

"I can't do that" he says.

"John, it doesn't belong to you." You say softly.


"No, Bye John." You say about to hang up, but get the phone back in your ear. "For the record, you will NEVER be like Steve Rogers. You have no idea the kind of man he was." You take a deep breath. "AND, Don't talk about me, Steve, my dad, or any other Avenger ever again!" You hang up and throw the phone on the couch.

You were so furious, you could feel your blood boil. Is it because he mentioned your dad? Or Because he said Steve felt like his brother? Obviously just the whole thing in general.

You sit on the couch trying to calm down, you didn't realize Noah was looking at you terrified whole time. He's never seen you this angry. You pick him up and hug him.

After getting the kids breakfast, you decide to take them to the park, trying to get your mind off the whole thing. Specially since Sam and Bucky were not answering the phone.

You get the stroller and place Madelyn in it, Noah always wants to help push her stroller. You continue to call Bucky but no answer. You try Sam and still no answer. You stayed at the park longer than usual, it was getting late so you went back home.

After dinner and getting the kids in the bath you get a call from an unknown number.

You weren't sure if you should answer, you stare at the screen for a few seconds letting it ring. Finally you accept the call. "Hello?" You answer.

"Hello, Ms. Barnes?" A lady says on the other line.

"Uh Yes?" you furrow your eyebrows, not a lot of people addressed you as Ms. Barnes.

"Ms. Barnes this is the Baltimore police department, we have Mr. Barnes under custody, for missing his court-mandated therapy. Only you are authorized to release him."

She says, you place your hand on your forehead, "Baltimore?" You question. What is he doing in Maryland? You wonder. "Uh yeah, yeah, I authorize his release." You say.

"You will need to come down to the station and sign for his release."

You take a deep breath. "In Baltimore. I -"

"He will be held until you arrive." The lady adds interrupting you.

"Alright, I will figure it out and be there as fast as I can" you say and hang up.

You're able to get Pepper on the phone, thankfully she's at home with Morgan, she gladly said she'd take the kids until you come back. That same night you fly out to Baltimore.

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