Chapter One

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  CHAPTER One   

                                                  When did this all start I asked myself? when could it end ?a question I myself could not find Many things has been happening this few years I could not explain is this me growing it's like a cage I just can't explain even if you were there you still wouldn't understand. Every day the pressure's of life was bringing me thing I did know was that it would soon get better. I never thought when or how but it would. mama did not die for nothing because I very much remember her prayers and request from God .You wouldn't know but I lied about not asking myself when or how?

I have always wondered why so many people lose their way in life now I guess I got my answer the hard way

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I have always wondered why so many people lose their way in life now I guess I got my answer the hard way .In life we put up a fight which were not sure to win  .if you ask me I would say life's about losing you can't always be a winner once in life we get to lose , still all this things are what makes us humans . There's something about people and the way we see life and think about it . Now my Question's can be answered through life am still young to it because it's teachings never ends .Some teenagers got to enjoy themselves and be happy they thought it was the time they've got in the whole world it was no time for sadness it was all about their future selves it was no time to be was a time you stood  to make the  right or wrong decision . Depending on our future potentials sometimes without working towards it do shows that were lost .the way we  teenagers get to make our own decisions  always reflects on  our future either in a bad way or good way .creating a better future gives way for our past to go behind us but sometimes our future will slip away from us if we let it.mostly sometimes you just can't accept reality and it facts about life. that's because it tells you the truth about Life for instance some people want to become rich without struggling for it .once I  said maybe I should pass through life sure never to age but  what I wanted was to become a better person I need to pass through experience to become a reasonable person in life staying in one place is not an option for that.
A person whose potentials are thoughtful should always think positively sometimes people may not have enough thoughts or potential but just want to make the best out of life it's quite a thing to say that life gives its share to everyone both small big  good and bad ones but sometimes you just have to pass through a lot of things to become a reasonable person.some are sad about life just like a person who could tell you that he or she did not pass through a teenager's age  but a regretful age sometimes everything becomes meaningless  to them but we can still get through it if we accept that our potential may someday become true. in reality we should always try to see the bright side of life I always say this because a plan of too much things that couldn't come true even when you keep trying your best it seems like you're foolish no it actually means you're aiming for more . Regret is the password which we should not always get used to  yet some time is needed in some situation regreting.  So what if the past is bad. What you can only do is think about it but you can't bring it back until we try to do so the future is the only way to be assured that we have have left the past we can make mistakes while creating our future. We can only mend our  past by creating a thoughtful and realistic future through our thoughts and present ways of speaking the first day I thought about myself in a realistic way thinking about life made me ask some  questions which had no answers . Different questions we're going in and out of my head. while trying to get through life was I going to become successful was that the  only question I could ask myself . what was life   all about I wanted to know my future self all at the same time but it wasn't possible knowing yourself takes time that was the reality for now.

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