"The Jealousy Unleashed"-Chapter Three

Start from the beginning

After sending the message, I tried to focus on my work, but my mind kept wandering back to the receptionist's words. I went to my manager's cabin and requested his permission for a leave. With his approval, I headed home. Upon arriving, my parents were taken aback to see me back so soon. "What are you doing here? Didn't you have a date with Asher?" my dad inquired.

"Well, Dad, it was not a date; it was just a meeting. And no, I am not interested," I replied, trying to brush off the topic. I retreated to my room, ignoring their further questions, and started watching a series to distract myself. However, my mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of Asher, and it was hard to focus on anything else.

I suddenly felt hunger pangs, so I headed downstairs to find something to eat. Just as I was about to grab a snack, the doorbell rang, and I went to open it. To my surprise, I found myself face to face with Asher. For a moment, I forgot how to speak, but I quickly gathered my confidence and greeted him, "Hello, Mr. Knight. What a surprise! Why are you here?"

"Well, Ms. White, we had a meeting, and I don't usually consider meetings canceled unless informed a day prior," he replied calmly.

I shrugged and replied, "Well, then, you can come in and sit until you feel the meeting is over, and then you can leave."

Just then, my grandmother appeared, having heard my conversation with Asher. She looked at me and said, "Go and get changed now. You are going with him. Remember, I had a punishment reserved."

I reluctantly obeyed my grandmother's wishes and quickly changed into something suitable. When I came downstairs, I saw Asher engaged in conversation with my brother. As our eyes met, I sensed a whirlwind of emotions in his gaze, but it quickly dissipated.

Date outfit:

After bidding my brother goodbye, Asher got up and headed towards the door

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After bidding my brother goodbye, Asher got up and headed towards the door. I followed him, and he courteously opened the car door for me like a true gentleman before starting to drive.

During the ride, he asked, "Ms. White, would you please tell me who Ms. Stick is?"

I sighed inwardly, feeling a mix of irritation and amusement. "Well, she's the lady who claimed to have given you a massage today," I replied.

He looked puzzled. "I wasn't given a massage by anyone today. In fact, I had meetings in the conference room the whole day."

A smirk formed on my lips. "Looks like someone's trying to gain your attention by spreading lies," I said sarcastically. "I overheard her bragging about it in the canteen, claiming how good it felt to touch your 'ripped muscles.'"

"Oh, come on, Miss White, it's natural to feel a little jealous sometimes."

I crossed my arms, feigning annoyance. "I wasn't jealous. Why would I be? It's not like I have any reason to be jealous of some random woman who claims to have given you a massage."

"Whatever, Miss White," he replied with a hint of indifference. The drive to the restaurant was silent as we arrived at the place he had chosen. The waitress warmly greeted us, and we were escorted to a private room. He courteously pulled out a chair for me to sit and took the seat opposite me.

With a serious expression, he began, "Well, Miss White, I want to be clear that this is merely a formal meeting, and I was compelled by my family to do so. My grandmother insisted that I should not return home before going on this dinner with you. I apologize if my intentions have caused you any discomfort."

His words stung, but I wasn't about to let him see that. Putting on a brave front, I retorted, "Well, Mr. Knight, it appears you have quite the confidence in your charisma. But don't worry; I, too, was coerced into this meeting." I wanted to tell him the truth, that I had been contemplating the meeting all night.

As our eyes continued to lock, I decided not to back down this time. There was something intriguing about him, and I wanted to unravel the mystery behind those captivating eyes.

Author's note:

Hello, my lovely readers! I hope you enjoyed the plot so far and are intrigued about what happens next. Your support means the world to me, so please don't forget to vote, comment, and follow for more updates. Thank you for joining me on this journey!

 Thank you for joining me on this journey!

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