Part 2

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On Atlantis. Sam is walking with papers in her hands. Radek is coming but she doesn't seem to notice until he sneezes. She is surprised and looks at him, a bit disgusted.

SAM: Radek, hi. (He waves at her while taking a tissue from his pocket) Last time I saw you, you were at the... infirmary.
RADEK: Yes. (He blows his nose)
SAM: (After a moment) Does Jennifer know that you're here?
RADEK: She does. But I... I couldn't just take a day off, I... I need to meet him.
SAM: General Landry?
RADEK: Doctor Jackson.
SAM: Daniel?
RADEK: (He comes closer to her) I am a fan.
SAM: (She laughs) A fan?
RADEK: Oh yes. I used to go to all of his conferences back on Earth. Doctor Jackson has actually allowed my sister to audiotape all of his last talks for me and now... he's bringing them here today himself. (He sneezes) I am going to offer him and Vala a private tour of the city tonight, to show him my gratitude. This is all very exciting.
SAM: You do know that they're coming here on business, right? Daniel is going to be helping with the translations of artifacts while Vala will be consulting on their use. All of which, you and Rodney are supposed to be supervising.
RADEK: Oh yes, I know all of that. And don't worry, everything is already prepared for them.
SAM: Then what are these? (She gestures to the pile of papers he is holding)
RADEK: Oh, just a few notes that I have on Doctor Jackson's books.
SAM: You made him notes?
RADEK: I did, and I also made a few theories of my own. I wanted to have his opinion on them. Of course, they've all been rejected by Rodney but if I could just...

Sam sees Chuck coming their way. She waves at him and he arrives.

SAM: Chuck, there you are. (She looks at Radek) Sorry, Radek.
RADEK: But... (She starts to leave with Chuck)
SAM: I'll meet you in the gate room. And please ask Jennifer to give you... something for your cold.

He nods and they leave. Radek looks sad. He stands still for a second, not knowing where to go. He sneezes. Two people passing by jump, surprised, and take 2 steps away from him. He excuses himself.
Sam is walking in the other direction with Chuck.

SAM: Is everything set?
CHUCK: Yes ma'am. General Landry's quarters are ready, and I made sure to put Vala in a room far from both Doctor Jackson and Colonel Sheppard.
SAM: Great, and what room would that be?
CHUCK: Room 56. (Sam stops)
SAM: That's the one next to mine.
CHUCK: (He looks at his paper, confused) I'm sorry, is that a bad thing? I thought that since you were both part of SG1 together then... Should I change it?
SAM: (After a minute) No, it's fine, I can handle Vala. (To herself) I think.
CHUCK: What about Ronon ma'am? His room is also very close to yours and Vala.
SAM: Oh, you don't have to worry about Ronon, he is not her type.
CHUCK: He is not?
SAM: (She smiles) They hate each other.

He is still confused. They walk and take a transporter. They arrive near the gate room.

SAM: Any news from Colonel Sheppard?
CHUCK: Sergeant Marshall made his report by radio 2 hours ago. Doctors Mckay and Lane are still working on the safest way to remove the ZPM. So far... no luck.
SAM: Do they need backup?
CHUCK: Not according to Doctor Mckay.
SAM: Right.
CHUCK: Their next scheduled report is in 3 hours, should we send a team?
SAM: (Thinks) No, let's give Rodney some time. Besides, we need Zelenka here. (She looks at her watch, they are in the gate room) The Daedalus should arrive any minute now. (She looks at Chuck) Let me know when they're in orbit.
CHUCK: Yes ma'am.
SAM: Good work Chuck. (She leaves him, he smiles and after a few seconds, follows her upstairs)


On the planet. Rodney is working on the ZPM with Doctor Lane. Teyla and Ronon are with them. They both watch them work. Ronon is eating some nuts. He looks through the broken window, it's high. He sees Sheppard and Marshall entering another building nearby. He comes back and passes in front of Teyla to whom he gives a bit of his food. She takes it gratefully.
Rodney looks at them.

RODNEY: Do you have more of those?

Lane looks at him, in despair. Ronon stares at him and eats his last pieces in front of him. Rodney looks sad.

RODNEY: Oh, come on.
RONON: Why aren't you working?
RODNEY: I've been working nonstop for 4 hours now!
LANE: We... (Rodney looks at him) We have been working nonstop for 4 hours... (Ronon smiles) Sorry. (He goes back to work)
TEYLA: I thought you said this wouldn't take long Rodney.
RODNEY: 4 hours aren't that long.
RONON: That's not what you just said.
RODNEY: What did I say?
RONON: That you've been working nonstop for 4 hours.
RODNEY: Well, then I never used the word "long", now, did I?
LANE: No, but it was definitely implied. (Rodney looks at him) I'm working!
RODNEY: It was not implied!
TEYLA: It felt like it was.
RODNEY: Well then I take it back.
RONON: You can't take it back, you already said it.
RODNEY: (After a moment) Fine, then I was wrong. There, I said it, are you happy?
RONON: I am.
RODNEY: Can I have some food now?
LORNE: (On the radio) Colonel Sheppard, Ronon, come in?
RONON: (To the radio) I'm here.
SHEPP: (On the radio) Lorne, you found anything?
LORNE: I did sir. I think you should all see this.
SHEPP: On our way.
RODNEY: (To the radio) Go ahead, I am staying.
LORNE: You're gonna want to see this too doc.
SHEPP: Ronon.
RONON: Coming.

Rodney sighs. Ronon takes him by the shoulder and they all leave the room.

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