"What?" Jaq asked.

"Come. You need to see this." Kieron said, "You too," He said, nodding at me. We walked over to where him and Romy were standing. "Remember my cousin Danny? The one who does computers repairs and that," He asked, Jaq mumbled a reply but I had no idea who this Danny bloke was. "He saw this on his camera, fam. The one outside the shop. It's Ats, blud,"

Kieron tapped on his phone and pulled up a video. Jaq and I leaned to watch. "It's definitely him, innit?" Kieron said, "Look, this is the part, cuz. Watch this."

We stood over the phone and watched the video. In the video, a yellow car drove up and someone got out. "Who the fuck is this brudda?" Jaq almost exclaimed. "Shit, they just grabbed him!" In the video, the people who has gotten out of the car and grabbed Ats, shoving him inside the car.

"It's mad," Romy said.

"Who the fuck's this bitch?" I asked, when I noticed one of the people getting into the car's face was clear. Kieron rewinded the video and zoomed in on her face.

"Who is she?" Jaq asked.

"Don't know," Kieron said.

"She ain't from the ends," Romy added.

"Hey, Kieron, send me her picture," Jaq asked.

"Say nothin'," Kieron said and took a screenshot of her face.

"What, are we gonna give it to the feds?" I asked, with confusion.

"Fuck, no, man," Jaq said, "Dushane's gonna wanna take care of this ting in-house, hear what I'm sayin'?"

"Send it out to everyone we know," Jaq instructed, "Tell 'em don't put it on socials or nothin'. We need to keep this shit controlled. Anybody sees the bitch, they bell me instantly. Man needs to find her rapid, bruv,"

Then, the two of us walked away from Kieron and Romy.


Later on, we were in the bando again, discussing this Ats business. There'd been no news on this girl and Jaq was pissed. "So what you're sayin' is, no one knows who she is?" Jaq asked, in disbelief, "How old would you say she is?"

"What, that ting there?" Bradders said, "About 20 or some shit."

"Nah, man. More like 15?" Samsi said.

"Yeah, 15,16." Kieron agreed.

"Right. So that means she's still in school, yeah?" Jaq guessed, and the youngers nodded, "So youse two need to go pree all the schools and show her picture round and that."

"That's long," Bradders said.

"Shut up, man," Kieron said, "What's wrong with you?"

"What do you mean, bruv? There's bare schools."

"So what?"

"Fam, she's gonna be on social media, bro. Insta, snapchat an' that. Come on, man," Romy said.

"That's calm, then, just post her picture on-" Bradders suggested.

in the ends // jaq Where stories live. Discover now