A Lightened Mood

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Walking down the stairs towards the kitchen and feeling the hunger pangs in your stomach, you slowly approached the living room. Glancing through the doorway, you spot Jenna seated on the couch with her phone in hand, scrolling through the comments on Instagram. Curious, you stealthily tiptoe towards her and peek over her shoulder at her phone screen. Your eyes scan the comments and it quickly becomes apparent that they are all hate comments. You see the pain and disappointment on Jenna's face as she reads the cruel words being thrown at her.

As you snuck up behind Jenna, you snatched her phone from her hands and quickly pocketed it, forcing her to look up at you with surprise in her eyes. She quickly recovered from the shock and saw that it was you, her expression softening but the pain still clear on her face from reading the hate comments. You walked around the couch to face her, taking in her expression and feeling the weight of the emotions on her shoulders. With her phone secure in your pocket, you stood infront of her face to face as she sat, each feeling a different kind of tension.

You lowered yourself to face Jenna, you leaned in close to her, your faces only inches apart. Noticing the pain in her eyes and expression, you hesitated a moment and asked with a gentle tone, "Hey. You alright?.." But when she didn't respond, you understood and decided not to push her any further. You let out a soft sigh, but quickly regained your composure, standing up straight and smiling at her. "Alright...," you added softly with a small, endearing shrug. With a quick shake of your head, you let out a cheesy pickup line with a grin.

"You know, you should be charged for a crime for looking that good." And in an attempt to lighten the mood with a dumb joke, you added "If you were a plant, you'd be a pretty-grass." Jenna chuckled and blushed, appreciating the lightheartedness and relief for her. In this moment, you felt the connection between the two of you grow even stronger.

As you attempted to lighten Jenna's mood with your dumb joke, her expression remained slightly sad as she averted her gaze and turned to look up at you, no smiles or chuckles to be seen no more. Realizing that your joke didn't land as well as you had hoped, you shifted your tone to a more comforting one and shared kind words with her. "I know these comments can be hurtful, but they don't mean anything. You're amazing in every way, and you deserve so much better than this." Jenna tilted her head at your words, feeling somewhat reassured, but still not

After your failed attempt to lighten Jenna's mood with your words, you cleared your throat dramatically and suggested a new idea. "How about this.. we spend this day together. no social media, no phones, Just us.. having fun and forgetting about the comments you read. What do you say?.. Mhm?..." You waited for a response, hoping your proposal would give Jenna a much-needed break and distraction from her digital world.

As Jenna agreed to the idea, your heart skipped a beat as you looked forward to spending the day with her. You quickly rushed upstairs and entered the shared room, where you searched through Jenna's nightstand for her makeup. You quickly applied the makeup on yourself, turning yourself into a clown, a gorgeous clown.. As you walked back down, Jenna's eyes scanned your face, trying to hold back her laughter as you looked ridiculous but cute at the same time. You smirked and playfully bowed, waiting for her reaction as she processed the situation.

As your clown makeup completed your transformation, you grinned at Jenna, eager to hear her response. As her laughter erupted, you couldn't help but smile at her reaction. Once her laughter subsided, she looked at you with a warm smile and blushing cheeks as she complimented you, "You look... ridiculously... cute, my love." You were beaming with pride at her compliment, glad to see her smiling and enjoying the moment with you. With the tension broken and the day ahead of you, you were excited to spend some quality time with Jenna.

You then decide to ask her a cheesy pickup line. "Are you a parking ticket?" She raised her eyebrow in anticipation, her eyes glancing over you to see what her reply should be. To her surprise, you continued with the pick up line, "Because you've got FINE written all over you." With a mix of amusement and annoyance, Jenna chuckled as she playfully hit you on the arm. "Tch, you're too much," she pouted as her lips curled into a smile.

After making Jenna laugh with a cheesy pick up line, she asked you a playful question. "Well then, I have a question as well. Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?" She raised her eyebrow and tilted her head, her tone turning flirtatious as she waited for your response. With a slight blush on her cheeks, Jenna was looking at you with a playful expression and a twinkle in her eyes, ready to see how you would reply.

Jenna's attempt to tease you with a playful question made you blush slightly, your ears turning slightly red as you felt the heat on your cheeks. You smirked slightly and complimented her on her successful attempt to get a reaction out of you. As Jenna laughed when she saw your ears were slightly red, you chuckled along with her before shifting to a more confident expression, ready to answer her question about what you do for a living.

Her playful question may have caught you a little off-guard, but you recovered quickly and answered her with a flirtatious and confident reply. Blending humor with a touch of charm, you replied, "Well, for a living, I make people's hearts skip beats. And for you, I'm going to have to do it for free." Jenna laughed at your response, her cheeks flushing as she found your reply both cute and charming.

After the two of you shared a few playful questions and flirtatious pickup lines, you eventually ran out of witty responses. Now sitting next to Jenna, you rested your head on her shoulder, feeling comfortable in her presence. Your eyes were closed as you relaxed and felt the warmth of Jenna's shoulder. Her long hair was tickling your face and you had a comfortable smile on your face as the two of you sat in a moment of peace.

As you sat next to Jenna, she began shifting her position and soon climbed onto your lap, wrapping her legs around your waist. Her face then buried into your neck as she muttered the words, "I'm so lucky to have you, y/n. I don't know what I'd do without you... If anything, no one else could make me laugh with cheesy pickup line the way you do while looking like a cute little clown." With that, she nuzzled her face deeper into your neck, feeling safe and loved in your arms.

Jenna's mood was finally lifted by your efforts. As she shifted herself into a comfortable position on your lap, you felt her warm body against yours. Her legs were wrapped around your waist and her face buried itself into your neck, feeling safe and loved within your embrace. As she nuzzled herself into your shoulder, your arms instinctively held her tightly and caressed the back of her head, your fingers gently running through her hair as you enjoyed the close moment with her.

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