Spider-Man and Scarlet Spider VS Kingpin

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[We start out by seeing a lone Spider spinning his web on a window of a apartment as we see many things like, posters of past Spider-Man villains, a picture of Y/N, Harry, Peter and MJ together as we see a man in the shower this man is Y/N L/N as his phone goes off he picks it up while stepping out of the shower]

Police Dispatch: All units, level four mobilization. Location--Fisk Tower.

[Y/N's eyes widen in shock]

Y/N: Fisk?

[Y/N quickly throws the phone down as he goes for his suit. He quickly throws on his suit and mask while loading up his web shooters]

 He quickly throws on his suit and mask while loading up his web shooters]

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Y/N: Alright.

[He then pulls out his claws and retracts them. He then looks around the apartment as his eye lenses narrow. His systems load up as he looks around a paper goes under his door.]

[And a message appears on his display]

*Pay your Bills, Y/N!*

[Y/N rolls his eyes as he goes to pick up the bill but then hears a]

Police Dispatch: SWAT is 10-84 No (Smoke Visible) at Fisk Tower. All Unit standby, warrant is en route.

[Y/N then dives out his window as he claws up the building as he starts to swings as he meets up with Peter, Peter then calls Yuri as Y/N connects to the call aswell]

Yuri Watanabe: Captain Watanabe.

Spider-Man: Did you take him down yet?

Yuri Watanabe: No. We're at Fisk Tower, but still waiting on the warrent.

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