Chapter 14

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  "Y/n, now is not the time for rogue plans." Then I heard a muffled scream through the headset. "Vincent? Vincent are you there?!" Then a new voice was heard through my earpiece. "Ah, still alive are you? Well if you want these three to live you'll come join me in my office." I grit my teeth. This son of a bitch. Is there any other way? Mama and Leslie are on their way to "ship" the hostages and then Emma Ray and Norman will storm in on them. Everyone else has specific roles in the plan, I only had the one thing to do and after that I was considered out of the picture. "Clocks ticking, you have two minutes." The plan can't happen without Vincent, it would potentially be my fault if I don't go. I'll get them killed. I'll get everyone killed.

   I sprint to the rat man's office and burst open the door, bearing my pistols. The door fell and revealed no one. The sound reached me first and then the burning pain in my legs. I fell to the ground and was soon jumped by four demons, Peter Ratri, standing right behind them with a sinister smile. I growled at him and at the pain of my leg wound sewing itself back together. "You bitch! I'll kill you!" I tried to get away from my captors but I couldn't and in turn, couldn't get a grasp on their blood. I screamed as loud as I could, hoping to alert anybody. "Knock her out" Peter Ratri glares down at me as one of the demons grabs my head and slams it into the ground. The last thing I heard before I slipped into darkness was "we'll see who gets killed."

I woke up feeling numb, paralyzed. I lolled my head to the side and watched with blurry vision as people moved frantically around me. I groaned and tried to lift my hand to rub my eyes, only for it to be locked in place. I sat my head up quickly and noticed that all of my limbs we bolted down to a metal table. Only then did I notice my surroundings. I was in a lab. There were scientists doing things all around me and an IV drip in my forearm. I could feel two electrodes on my temples. A male scientist came over to look at me after noticing my heart rate spiked. "She's awake, how close are you to being done?" I blinked a couple of times, trying to regain my bearings. My mind feels fuzzy. "What's going on?" I groaned out and a couple people glanced at me but ignored me. "She'll be done soon and then we can bring him in."

I dropped my head back on the table. A scientist came over and switched out my IV with some blue liquid. She leaned over me and shined a light in my eyes "her vitals are fine, I'd say she's ready." I squinted at her trying to get a grip on reality. I pulled at the restraints but they were clamped all the way around my hands. My heart started to pump in my chest and my breathing became ragged when they started to wheel the table away. "What's going on?" I repeated I only earned a glance. "Where am I?" They pulled me into a dark room and shined a spotlight down on me, it hurt my eyes so I turned away. "Open your mouth." I blinked at the man above me. He didn't look like a scientist. Actually he looked pretty roughed up, like he had been through some things. But what confused me the most was his lack of clothing. He only wore shorts and some weird necklace.

"Do you know what's go-" I was cut off by him shoving a few pills in my mouth and then clamping it and my nose closed. I tried to pull away from him but he pushed my head into the table. "I'll suffocate you if you don't swallow the pills." I was starting to struggle. I don't want to swallow these pills. Somewhere within my foggy mind I formed a thought. Under the tongue. I shoved the pills under my tongue and swallowed my spit instead. He pulled his hands away from my and turned to a wall, speaking some incoherent words. My eyes were starting to get heavy and I started to sweat. The man pried my mouth open after a few minutes of struggling with me. Someone in a lab coat came in and plugged my nose then poured water in my open mouth. I tried to close it but I was losing feeling in my body and my oxygen supply was dwindling. I was forced to swallow the pills.

The scientist and the man talked over me and the man's face fell. And then there was rapid speaking. The scientist glared at the man who then started convulsing slightly and grabbed at the necklace. It was a shock collar. Whatever was going on he didn't like it anymore than I did. "What?" I rasped out and the scientist glared down at me. He pulled a knife out of his pocket and cut open the middle of the hospital dress that I just noticed I was wearing. I tried as hard as I could to pull at the restraints but even with enhanced strength nothing happened. The cold air hit my skin. I felt my body start to shut down. A piece of the skin on my arm was cut off and then new skin began to regrow. A demon showed up behind the scientist and ate my piece of skin. I can't hear anything anymore, only a ringing in my ears. Amidst the fog within my mind I remembers something. Something that sent a shiver down my spine.

"If I lived I'd be used as a breeding tool."

   I screamed at least I think I did. I pulled as hard as my body would let me trying to get away as my vision was soon consumed by the spotlight. I closed my eyes and then started to blink rapidly. When I was able to focus on something but it scared me even more. Above me was the man and he was crying and grasping at the shock collar. I'm numb. I don't feel anything but my breathing and the cold air against my abnormally warm skin. I unconsciously started to cry and just closed my eyes. I don't want this, I don't want this, I don't want this. I want to leave. I want to be with Ray. I'm no longer in my own body. I know I'm screaming at the top of my lungs. I feel like I'm screaming underwater and no one can hear me. And I don't feel it when the man above me collapses on me and his blood gets in my mouth.

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