Chapter 2

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     The days drug on and on though only three had passed. Same thing everyday. I was brought food that I never ate, then Leslie came to get me. At first I was not aware of how much weight I had been losing and only when Leslie pointed it out that I noticed. I used to be a rather large person with a nice figure. Now I'm basically skin and bones. Leslie decided that it was best if I was weighed before our next session. "87 pounds, that's not good. At this rate you'll die of fatigue." I shrugged, it can't be worse than this. And with that, we moved onto the experiment. I was sitting pretty at 130 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat was scorching and the thermo suit just made it even hotter. It was agony. I groaned in pain every now and then, considering the heat was hot enough to burn my skin. That's the only upside to the thermo suit. It protects my skin even though I'm in an air tight tube.

    After my five hours were up I was taken to my shower time. It was refreshing, almost pleasant. A nice cold shower was exactly what I needed after sweating out so much of my body's fluids. When I was done I was given my original clothes back and taken to an office. It was Leslie's I presumed because he was the one seated at the desk. "Did you want to speak to me?" He nodded and shooed the soldiers out of the room. "Yes, please sit." I did as I was told and plopped down on one of the comfy lounge chairs. It was much more comfortable than my bed. Leslie opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off. "It's not going to work is it?" He closed his mouth and frowned. I grimaced "it was never going to work. He planned it and had you try to convince me just so that he could kill me." Leslie leaned back in his chair with his arms folded. "The question is, why are you about to tell me?" He sighed "how'd you know that it wasn't going to work?"

   I huffed "because blood doesn't evaporate, it can only boil. So frying me like suggested earlier, wouldn't work. You were trying to kill me from the inside. Only you've realized that won't work to kill me anyways because my regeneration works to quickly. I assume you've realized that if you were to just set the chamber on fire that there is the possibility of killing me. But despite my small frame, I'm extremely strong and I'd escape before you could destroy my core, which is the only way to actually kill me." Leslie narrowed his eyes at me. "Now I understand why you were in Lambda in the first place." I clenched my jaw and ignored his comment and let my head droop.
"There's no way to fix me is there?"


   The bunker was in shambles. It had been almost five days since anyone had seen Y/n and it was getting to them. Her room was left as though she would be back in a couple of hours, other than the note she left. That was the closest thing they had to a clue of her whereabouts. Her disappearance was especially getting to Ray. He had seen her just before she disappeared so why hadn't he noticed that something was wrong? Or did something else happen? Perhaps she was kidnapped? Or got trapped somewhere in the forest? Though their searches always revealed nothing. But if she had left them of her free will, then where would she have gone? No one really had any ideas so there was a meeting held in the security room to discuss the matter.

   "Look, I don't think anything's happened to her against her will. She left on her own." Emma frowned at Yuugo "but how do you know that?" Yuugo frowned "because she lied to you. You told me that she was hunting for me, I never told her to do anything but eat." Oliver crossed his arms, "what do you mean by that?" Lily decided it was the right time to chime in. "She hasn't eaten in months and the only reason she hasn't died yet is because of the demon blood. She told me herself that she's going to die soon." Ray stood in the corner of the room with his fists clenched but he thought hard. Carter spoke up "maybe she has an eating disorder?" Ruth nodded her head in agreement "I saw her throw up in the bathroom a while ago, so maybe she does." Yuugo but in again. "I have her food a couple weeks back but she threw up at the smell. I suppose it's plausible." Emma stood up and slammed her hands on the table.

    "But Y/n loves food! This isn't something like an eating disorder, I know it. There has to be another reason!" Ray finally stepped out of the corner to speak his piece. "Emma's right, this isn't something she can do anything about either. Think about it, if she's turning into a demon like she's told some of us then you have to think about the diet of a demon. Humans. Y/n left, I don't know where to, but she left because she was scared that she might do something she might regret. I can only assume from what she wrote in her note that she went somewhere that might be able to help her. What's the only place that we know has that kind of technology?" Ace, who had just recently started interacting with anyone again spoke up,

   "Lambda. They're the ones that did this to her and they're the ones who can fix it." Ray nodded "but that place get destroyed, didn't it?" Lucas butted in. Marko shot up from her seat. "Then she would go to the next best place!" Luke frowned and finished what Marko was about to say. "Peter Ratri." Don was pacing beside the dinner table. "I don't know what we're doing just standing around then! If we know where she went then we need to go get her! She could be dead for all we know!" Gilda placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don, I you have to think about this more. She left to try and get help that we can't give her." Emma shook her head. "But who knows what kind of help that could be!" Ray pulled out a chair and slumped into it. "Let's face it, there's nothing we can do."


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