Taylor exhales into her hands, staring at Nate when she picks her head back up. "Jesus Christ. God, okay, you're so desperate for me to forgive you." she rolls her eyes, and he immediately perks up. "I forgive you, okay? Not even that mad. I'm just hoping that when Belly drops me off today, she'll, like, actually speak to me."

Nate forces a smile in her direction. "I really am sorry though, I swear. I shouldn't have left without you. I mean it, TayTay."

Taylor laughs a little, covering her mouth with her hand. "You're so corny." Nate grins at her.


"There you are, just the boy I was looking for," beams Susannah, wrapping her arm around Nate. "Wanna work on your portrait a little?"

"Sounds good to me, Susannah." he smiles at her; he has nothing else to do, other than avoid Belly. He knows she won't start talking about Taylor in front of Susannah. "Where do you want me?"

"Let's head down to the pier." she suggests. "I'll be down in a few minutes. My easel is already down there, I just need to get some brushes."

Nate heads down to the pier, taking a seat in front of the easel. He's always been really impressed by Susannah's artistic ability; he's never been an artist. In fact, he's far from it. He can hardly draw a stick figure.

"Great! You look perfect just like that." she says cheerfully as she sits in front of the canvas. "Thanks for cooperating with me."

"Well, you know I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else." he grins at her, and she rolls her eyes with a bright smile.

"Except in with the boys playing video games." she raises a brow, and he laughs sheepishly.

Susannah has felt like a mom to him ever since his mom had died. They've grown really close over the years, and Nate couldn't ask for a better mother figure. He adores her, and he hopes she knows that.

"So, lay it on me." Susanna looks at him over the edge of the canvas. "Who is this girl you're talking to?"

Nate laughs nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm not talking to any girls, Susannah." he's not lying, but he's not telling the truth, either.

"So who was the girl at the dinner table, huh?"

"It was Taylor." says another voice, and Nate freezes in fear; he immediately recognizes the voice as Belly's, and she's standing in front of him with her hands on her hips. Susannah bites her lip, raising her brows fearfully at Nate before resuming her painting.

"Hi, Belly Baby." she greets, as if Belly's glare isn't cutting Nate apart. "How was the party last night? When I woke up, you weren't here."

"Yeah, me and Jere went to get muffins." she answers, her eyes still glued on Nate. "And then I dropped his girlfriend off at the bus stop."

Susannah's eyes widen. She turns to Nate, beaming at him; it makes him feel unsettled because there's a complete contrast between her expression and Belly's. "You and Taylor are dating? That's amazing, sweetheart!"

"Uh..." murmurs Nate, his eyes flickering between the two girls before him, "yeah, thanks, Susannah."

She looks back up at Belly, who is still furious. Susannah clears her throat, setting her paintbrush down and smiling awkwardly at Belly.

"I'm going to go get a glass of water." she tells them as she stands up. "I'll be right back!"

"I can get it for you." Nate offers swiftly, but she rejects his offer and heads up towards the house. Nate sighs before looking over at Belly, wincing. "Okay, tell me how much of an idiot I am. I know you're pissed."

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