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"DO WE REALLY have to physically sit for our portraits?" asks Jeremiah from the stove. He, Nate, Steven, and Laurel are all sitting in the kitchen. Laurel is working at the computer while the boys are watching Jeremiah. "Can't she just, like, look at a picture  on her phone or something?" he shoves Steven back. "Okay, get out."

"What? Why?" laughs Steven, yanking Nate back with him.

"Watch it, Steve-O." he pushes the boy back.

"She needs to see you in the flesh in order to capture your essence." Laurel explains, her voice airy. She sounds mocking, but in a joking way. "While you're still young and full of hope." the three boys laugh, so Laurel holds her hands up in surrender. "Her words."

"Well, Conrad does not have hope, actually." Jeremiah  reminds her, swinging his spoon around in the air. "He's hopeless, but my hangover smoothie... it cures all."

"Can you please just hurry up?" groans Conrad loudly— he's been laying on the couch, holding his head in his hands, since Nate woke up.

"Just go back to bed, all right?" replies Jeremiah loudly. Steven and Nate are back over his shoulders, and he swats them away. "Alright, seriously, Steven, get out."

"Oh, come on." whines Steven, pointing accusingly at Nate. "Why me, not him?"

"He's annoying too," says Jeremiah, making Nate scoff. "This is a delicate science, and your heavy breathing is gonna break the yolk."

"Fuck off, Jere." laughs Nate, which makes Laurel throw a Cheerio at him from her spot at the counter. "Sorry!"

"She hasn't painted you since you were little." Laurel continues, looking up from her computer. "I think it'd be nice to have these portraits for when you're older."

"Old." scoffs Steven, shaking his head. "No. When I'm older, I'm sure there'll be, like, like, holograms or something I can watch of myself, you know?"

"That's sick!" laughs Nate, making Steven smile widely at their shared enthusiasm. Laurel rolls her eyes.

"Just sit for your portraits." she sighs hopefully. "I don't see Conrad complaining."

Jeremiah walks past her, grinning, into the living room to hand Conrad his smoothie. "He'll complain when he's conscious."

"Come on, man." huffs Steven impatiently, putting his hands on his hips. "Hurry your ass up. Alright? I can't be late for my first day of work."

"Calm down, Stevie." Nate places a hand on Steven's shoulder. "You'll get there."

"Yeah." agrees Jeremiah, entering the kitchen. "We won't be late. We're good."

"Come on, man." Steven slaps Jeremiah on his ass as he walks away. "Those old country club boomers are gonna tip me so hard, man, they won't know what hit 'em."

"Shut up," laughs Nate, pushing Steven away.

"Steven, I swear." grumbles Laurel from the counter,
rolling her eyes.


"Come on, Laurel." Jeremiah grins, winking at her. "My boy's got to get that bread."

"Thank you." Steven puts a hand over his heart, grinning before looking to Nate, who has his brow raised.

"Yeah, which means you can pay me back for all the times I've bought your ass McDonalds." he teases, making Steven roll his eyes, sneering at his younger friend.

"Good morning." yawns a voice, and in comes Belly. It's clear she's been up for a while, and she looks like she's dressed and ready.

"Belly, where have you been?" asks Laurel, sounding worried. She notes the bruise forming on Belly's cheekbone and sits up, worry creasing her face. Steven looks at Nate, grimacing. "Is that a bruise?"

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