Chapter 2

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The plan began with Michikatsu untying his shoelaces. Michikatsu enters the kitchen and watches Yoriichi Type Zero reheating dinner on a stove. The robot sensed him from behind, turned with a zooming noise emitted from the hips, and eyed Michikatsu with its expression blank as ever. "Please sit down. Dinner will be served in a moment." Then twisted its body again and continued its task.

However, Michikatsu headed towards the coffee machine first, executing the second step of the plan. "Machine, heat some water please." He took out a teabag in a small drawer, then waved his hand on a sensor glass of the cupboard to automatically open it. Afterward, he grabbed a cup and waved his hand to the sensor once again to close the cupboard.

The coffee machine is indeed alive, as a voice message, that was inputted by his older brother, addresses him. "Hot water, coming right up!" It perkily exclaimed, another zooming effect humming inside the machine as Michikatsu placed his cup underneath the machine.

This did not go unnoticed by the other robot. "Drinking coffee is not advisable at this time of the night, Michikatsu."

"Calm down, I'm just making tea."

"But you need to eat your dinner first. Drinking tea is suitable after you finished eating."

"Then, I'll drink the tea first then eat my food."

"But leaving it unattended and reheating the tea again since you will be busy eating your food would lose its flavor. I suggest you brew your tea later."

"I said... I'll drink the tea first and then eat dinner. Okay?"

I won't let you ruin my plan.

The robot paused, then turned once again to stare at Michikatsu, "Then, would you like me to do it for you?"

Michikatsu rolled his eyes in frustration. "No, I don't want to be babied."

"As you wish." It focused again to reheat his dinner. "But please handle the cup of tea with care. You might accidentally spill the hot water on yourself."

That is actually the third step of the plan.

Michikatsu eyed his untied shoelace, a smirk forming on his lips, waiting for the coffee machine to finish boiling some water. "Yeah, I know that."

Michikatsu begins his move. The coffee machine buzzed to life once again. "It's finished!" Then it shuts down after Michikatsu took the hot cup on his palm, and places the teabag. Michikatsu glanced at Type Zero, noticing that the robot has finally finished reheating his dinner and handling preparations.

"Dinner is served. Please sit down." Yoriichi Type Zero cupped its robotic palm on a bowl of soup, on another palm is a plate of salad filled with greens. Great, some vegetables again. The robot used its other hand to grab hold of the chair and scoot it backward for Michikatsu to sit on.

Michikatsu walked closer to the robot, making sure the distance between was quite close... "Okay– Woah!" He stepped on the shoelace, stumbling to the ground, and the hot tea spilled all over the floor. A loud shattering crash from the cup. While this was not done purposely, his other foot caught itself on a leg of the table, making his fall appear too realistic.

But that was enough for Yoriichi Type Zero to move swiftly, maneuvering around the table and catching Michikatsu just in time before his face fell flat on the floor in mere inches. Type Zero's other arms wrapped themselves onto the man, balancing him.

Michikatsu didn't expect his fall would be that exaggerated, but this could do. His hand snaked around the robot's arm for support, but he took this chance to sneak his fingers inside the protective metallic skin. Michikatsu knew that inside those ancient-looking garbs this robot wore are filled with too many openings that any circuits or small devices can be seen. It is why his brother, Yoriichi, opts to make it wear complicated clothing to avoid its insides to be displayed openly.

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