Javier sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"It's complicated," He admitted, "I care about her, and I want her to be happy. But I also know that I can't be the one to give her that happiness."

Steve and Connie exchanged knowing glances.

"It's not easy when you have feelings for someone and can't act on them," She said gently, "But you're doing the right thing by giving her space."

Javier nodded, grateful for their understanding. He took a deep breath, trying to push aside his own feelings and focus on being a good friend to Nina. The conversation shifted to lighter topics, and Javier did his best to be present in the moment, to enjoy the company of his friends.

But as the night wore on, and the drinks continued to flow, Javier couldn't shake the ache in his heart. He watched as Steve and Connie laughed and teased each other, their love for each other evident in every gesture and word.

He couldn't help but wonder if he would ever find that kind of happiness, that kind of love. He had buried his own feelings for Nina deep inside, but they were always there, lingering just below the surface.

He knew that he had to find a way to move on, to let go of his feelings for her. But he also knew that it would take time and distance to heal his heart.

The following day, the atmosphere at the embassy was abuzz with excitement and whispers as news of Nina's pregnancy spread like wildfire. The secret was out, and soon everyone knew that their fierce and dedicated agent was going to be a mother. Colleagues congratulated her, and many offered warm wishes and hugs as they passed her by in the hallways.

Steve and Connie were among the first to rush to her side, their faces glowing with happiness. They enveloped Nina in a tight group hug, and tears of joy sparkled in Connie's eyes.

"I can't believe it! You're going to be a mom!" Connie exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine happiness.

Nina smiled, feeling overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support.

"Yeah, it's still sinking in, but I'm excited," She admitted.

"Excited? You should be over the moon!" Steve chimed in, a broad grin stretching across his face, "You're going to be an amazing mom."

"Thank you," Nina said, her heart touched by their enthusiasm.

As the day went on, the news continued to spread, and Nina was met with an endless stream of congratulations and well-wishes

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As the day went on, the news continued to spread, and Nina was met with an endless stream of congratulations and well-wishes. She couldn't help but feel a sense of joy despite the guilt that still lingered in the depths of her heart.

However, amidst the celebration, Nina couldn't ignore the slight tension between her and Javier. He congratulated her with a smile, but she could see the sadness that flickered in his eyes, hidden behind his usual charm. It tore at her heart to know that her happiness was causing him pain.

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