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The revelation hung in the air between them, a mix of joy and trepidation swirling in their hearts. Nina's breath caught in her throat as she stared at Alejandro, unable to find the right words to respond.

"You... you think I'm pregnant?" She finally managed to say, her voice trembling with emotion.

Alejandro nodded, a tender smile on his lips.

"I do," He confirmed, his hand reaching out to cup her cheek lovingly, "And I couldn't be happier."

A tear escaped Nina's eye as she took in the weight of his words. In the midst of all the pain and turmoil they had been through, she never imagined that this moment would bring such profound happiness.

Alejandro's thumb brushed away the tear on her cheek as he gazed into her eyes with unwavering support.

"You will be an amazing mother," He assured her, "Just as you are an amazing wife and an amazing agent. We'll figure this out together, cariño."

Nina leaned into his touch, finding solace in his words and the love he so freely offered. Despite the difficulties they had faced, their bond remained unbreakable, and this new chapter in their lives only served to strengthen it further.

The dimly lit bar buzzed with chatter and laughter as Steve, Connie, and Javier gathered around a table, each nursing their drinks. It had been a long day at work, and they were looking forward to unwinding together. Nina had declined their invitation to join them, citing fatigue from a busy day.

"She's been working non-stop lately," Steve said, taking a sip of his beer, "I'm glad she's taking some time for herself."

"Yeah, she deserves it," Connie chimed in, a smile spreading across her face, "She's been through so much, and she's handling it all like a champ."

Javier nodded, his heart aching at the mention of Nina. He had been keeping his distance from her, trying to respect her space and her marriage with Alejandro. But it was hard to be around her friends without thinking about her, without missing the easy camaraderie they once shared.

"I heard she's been staying late at the office," Javier said, trying to keep the conversation casual, "Any progress on Escobar?"

Steve and Connie exchanged glances before Steve spoke up.

Javier smiled, trying to ignore the pang of jealousy that crept into his heart. He had to be happy for Nina, for her dedication and resilience. But it was hard not to feel a tinge of envy that he wasn't the one by her side, working alongside her.

As the evening wore on, Steve and Connie continued to share updates on their work, while Javier tried his best to keep the conversation light. He laughed at their jokes, joined in on their banter, all the while hiding the turmoil he felt inside.

When the waitress came around to take their orders, she asked Nina's friends if they wanted another round of drinks. Steve and Connie eagerly accepted, but Javier hesitated for a moment before declining.

"I think I'm good for now," He said, offering a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

Steve and Connie exchanged puzzled looks, both noticing the change in Javier's demeanor. They knew that he and Nina had been close, and they couldn't help but wonder if something was bothering him.

"Are you okay, Javi?" Connie asked, her concern evident in her voice.

Javier nodded, trying to brush off their worries.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just not in the mood for another drink, that's all."

Steve leaned in, his voice low, "Is this about Nina? You guys have been distant lately."

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