15. "USJ Aftermath: [Name] Edition."

Start from the beginning


And there you were. Left on your own to finish your dinner. You did just that, putting your plate inside of the dishwasher and starting it so Haruto would not be on your ass for not doing anything productive around the house, besides training. You walked down the hall and entered your room, where Niko was laying on your bed peacefully, playing with some ball of yarn he most likely stole from Oji.

"Were you being naughty today? Hm?" You pulled out your chair for your desk, sitting down. Niko meowed. "You know you need to give it back eventually." Laughing softly, you opened the journal and grabbed your favorite pen. Obviously, you had to document everything that had happened within the last twenty four hours— especially with how you've reacted today. It was not fun at all.

Niko stretched, yawning as he forced himself to wake up since you were there. He hopped over to your lap, making sure that you were okay. Niko's instincts were rather sharp, so he most likely knew something was off with you. Smiling warmly, you pet him.

"Don't worry, I already have you in my journal," you assured him. "If future me forgets, she'll know that you're Niko— I drew a little picture, too!" The drawing shows an oddly shaped cat, one with a small leg and a bigger leg, but it got the picture into your head. "And those are your big green eyes! Cute, right?"

Niko stared at it, blinked, meowed, and then fell asleep on your lap.

"Valid answer," you hummed, continuing to write the occurring events later today. Supposedly, when you passed out, Todoroki had to carry you outside of the USJ. A ton of other things happened, too. You shattered someone's bones, All Might appeared, though you barely remember it, and then the bird thing was defeated. Apparently, Todoroki was blessed with the mission of carrying you as well— as he fucking joined the lively battle with the yellow rabbit, rabid ass chihuahua, lettuce boy, and Kirishima! How uncool! He was just hoping you'd wake up and take care of everything, but nope! You were passed out. Obviously, All Might was yelling at him to put you somewhere safe— say like with your sane classmates who were staying away from the nomu. But no, the dude just kept you with him for some reason. Did you appreciate it? No. You could have died, again! Going near that mutation of a bird— who does he think he is?!

Also— Hagakure was with you two in the landslide zone?!

Thankfully, it was finally time to rest, and no waking up ass crack in the morning since classes were canceled. You figured you would go to the beach tomorrow. Put your feet in the water, get stung by a stingray... Well, anything is better than what had happened earlier today. Just hope that the seagulls aren't some man eating buffed up creatures awaiting to kill All Might. That is scary. One is enough for a lifetime.


"Hey, look! This is so awfully familiar!" You exclaimed, running up to the ocean waters. "It's where I was dropped!"

"[Name]— don't go drowning now!"

"I'll be fine! I'm a waterbender now!"

"Jesus..." Haruto shook his head, setting down some chairs and an umbrella. "Why the beach...? It also looks way more clean than before."

Your cackle of madness was heard in the background, "[Name] probably just wanted to come here for a sense of nostalgia. It's going to be a year since then, right?"

"You're right, Hana," Haruto nodded. "It's been quite a while since then."

"[Name] has adjusted well in Musutafu, hasn't she?" The girl smiled, seeing as you were in the waters trying to persuade Oji to join you. "We certainly don't interact with her a ton anymore given how all of us are so busy."

"Are you saying the work I assign you to is harsh on you?"

"Not at all, Haruto," she shook her head in disagreement. "It's fine. Obviously, we all have nowhere else to go. We all would rather stay here."

"... Who took the job for today?"

"Uh, two actually went. Sora and Amaterasu." Hana replied, sitting down on one of the chairs. "The assignment was... I believe... hm. I'm drawing a blank."

"To get the quirk enhancement drugs."

"Mhm, yes." She nodded. "There was more, for sure. Like some sort of villain that has been going around the city lately, I think one other is on that mission— Hozumi, specifically."

"Huh? I told him to take a day off of this week," he sighed, shaking his head. "Always working."

"Can you blame him?" Hana laughed. "None of us have anything to do. We don't find enjoyment in normal things."

"... You make it sound weird." Haruto awkwardly looked up to you and Oji. It seems you and the larger male were splashing each other with water. You genuinely looked like you were dying... could you even swim?

"Do I?" She tilted her head to the side. "It is true though. All of us are abnormal. We pride ourselves in this work field of yours."

"Haven't any of you tried out some normal hobbies?" He questioned Hana.

The girl with red hair simply looked over and shook her head, "No. I was actually expecting [Name] to be joining us, but the whole hero thing came in."

"I was, too." Haruto nodded. "But, she chose a different path."

"Are we also free to choose a different path?" Hana asked.

"Of course," he smiled warmly. "I will never keep any of you locked up. If you desire to do something other than the work I have, then do it. You're welcome back anytime."

"I see..."

"Oji is trying to drown me!" You gasped, running up to Haruto and Hana in a panicked manner. Your shirt was absolutely drenched, and so were your shorts. "And beach water tastes like ass!"

"It has salt in it, [Name]," Hana chuckled softly.

"Well, I don't really remember the beach, so... I didn't know! Okay?!"

"Okay, okay, [Name]." Haruto nodded, a small smile on his face. "We know you have brain issues."

"It's this stupid quirk I don't want! I'd sell it in a heartbeat!" You yelled, flopping down on the sand.

"Then what would you do? You're trying to become a hero, are you not?" The red haired girl asked you, to which you simply shrugged.

"Become the world's greatest quirkless hero," you smiled. "I'll still kick so much ass. I don't have these muscles for nothing!"

Haruto and Hana laughed at your antics, and you joined in on the laughter as well. How warm the moment was. Hopefully, it can always be like this.

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