Wednesday's Woe Of Dancing (Wednesday)

Comenzar desde el principio

"Whatever! You should try anyway." 

"I can't just summon visions, Enid." Wednesday replied.

"I thought you had sorta figured out some control though." Enid said.

"That is different. I wasn't summoning a vision, I was bringing us into one. I have no idea how to see other people. It just happens randomly, remember?"

"But it's still tied to emotions, right?" Enid wiggled her eyebrows. Wednesday gave her a look. "Fine, but you still have to try, Wednesday. We can't just stay here the rest of break."

"Where would I start?" Wednesday stood. She didn't want to have another vision, not really. Her violent fits weren't good for her health. As much glorious torture as they brought her, she didn't want more.

"What makes you most emotional? Like, angry emotional." Enid asked. Wednesday was silent for a moment.

"Whenever I'm forced to endure a positive moment."

"Like dancing to pop music in a super-colorful room?" Enid asked. 

"No. No, I'm not doing that." Wednesday said, her eyes widening. "You're also forgetting I have to touch a certain thing that's connected to what I have a vision about. If I have one when I touch, let's say, a stuffed animal, I might have a particularly horrifying vision about how it was made in the factory. Or a vision about any time and place that it's existed in."

"Oh that's right." Enid said. "Well, I'm out of ideas then." 

Wednesday nodded and sat again. 

"But..." Enid put her hands behind her back and started to act like she was begging. Wednesday braced herself. "Since we have nothing else to do..."

"I'm not listening to a pop song about broken hearts over a breakup and then dancing too it. I'd much rather—"

"Compromise!" Enid interrupted, holding up a finger. "We could listen to a song with lyrics that would fit you but with a beat that would fit me! And we don't have to dance, necessarily, I guess. I mean, you don't have to you if you don't want to."

"Okay, you win." Wednesday answered. "It's about time for another torture session anyway."

Enid jumped up and ran to her CD player. Wednesday was surprised she had one, considering Enid's attachment to her phone. Enid pulled out a book full of cds and inserted one into the player. Soon the room was filled with sound.

I'm only happy when it rains.

I'm only happy when it's complicated.

"What do you think?" Enid asked, jumping to the rhythm. She almost had to yell because of how loud she'd turned up the music. Wednesday shook her head, but her lips twitched. 

And though I know you can't appreciate it, 

I'm only happy when it rains.

You know I love it when the news is bad

And why it feels so good to feel to sad

I'm only happy when it rains.

"That's true." Wednesday commented. Enid was still dancing. She nodded.

"Right?" She said. "Now c'mon Wednesday, I know you want to join in." 

Wednesday considered for a moment then stood up. She took Enid's outstretched hand, then crawled her fingers up Enid's arm. She could tell she startled Enid because she almost stopped dancing. But then Wednesday swung Enid around and started to dance too. She swung her arms and imitated a zombie with her movements. Enid smiled and kept on dancing. 

I only smile in the dark

My only comfort is the night gone black

I didn't accidentally tell you that

I'm only happy when it rains.

You'll get the message—

They were interrupted with a knock on the door. Enid paused the music and Wednesday sat down as she went to get it. Her mom stood in the doorway.

"Turn that music down!" She ordered. "You have a visitor anyway." She left and a woman stepped it. 

Enid stepped back. "Who are you?"

"Hello Enid. Hello Wednesday." She said. She had dark brown hair that curled slightly at the tips and long fingernails that reminded Wednesday a little of Enid's claws. "And I'm the one who killed Dorian."

"Prove it." Wednesday said, standing again. She used the movement to slip their gun into her pocket. 

"All right." She smiled and suddenly they were spinning.

- - -

Hi everyone! I was speculating what would happen in this chapter for a very long time, so I had to decide at the last minute. I think it worked well, though. 

Thank you for all the votes and support! A reminder: if you haven't voted, followed, or shared yet, please do so! I would appreciate it very much. Thank you!

I am open to doing suggestions in my authors notes for other peoples' writings, so message me to see if I'll suggest one of yours if you want. I only suggest people who are kind and write at least fairly well, though. Basically, the people who deserve it.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Updates are every other day at 11:00pm EDT. 


What if I Tried (A WednesdayxEnid Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora