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            "Arthur"I said touching his shoulder and he slowly turned around,he looked broken unlike the Arthur I have known this days but the most surprising thing was that he looked like he had lost someone
"ruby"he said,he had tear stains on his face meaning he had been crying
"what's wrong with you?"I asked worriedly
"ruby"he said again before engulfing me in a tight hug
"what's wrong with you?"I asked again very confused, I didn't know why he was sounding like this because this wasn't the Arthur I have known
"I thought you died"he said and held my cheek, what's wrong with him now? this wasn't how he behaved before
  "why would you think I was dead I need to know Arthur"I said
"alright I'll tell you" he said and I nodded
"after the dance ruby and I went outside because I was informed that a woman wanted to see me, I went outside to see that it was Josephine......

      Flashback Arthur's POV
           "prince Arthur a woman outside is asking to see you"one of the guards said "do you know who she is?"I asked
"no my prince she didn't tell us who she is"he said, I have no time to see someone who refused to tell the guards her name
"tell her to come back some other time"I said and he made to leave but I had a rethink
"wait.....lead me to her"I said and he led me outside to the bridge that led to the garden to see a woman In a black cloak facing her back
"leave"I said to the guards and they left while she turned around
"Josephine"I said shocked
"hey Arthur"she said smiling
"what are you doing here?"I asked shocked, I was really shocked to see her because I wasn't expecting her
"I came to see you"she said calmly which made me suspicious
"that doesn't sound good"I said and she came closer to me and started touching me
"what doesn't"she said biting her lips seductively
"your coming here"I said
"why? don't you want to see me?"she asked whinning like a child, but I had a really bad feeling about her coming here
"you know the answer Josephine so stop pretending and tell me the real reason why you are here"I said now feeling irritated so I pushed her away
"well you are right Arthur I didn't just come here, I came for a reason"she said now with a serious face
"which is?"I asked
"I'm back for revenge Arthur I want all of you dead"she said smiling like a psycho
"what do you mean?"I asked confused
"imagine losing your family Arthur and even that your whore of a mate, Arthur I would ruin you, I want to give you pains unimaginable"she said while gritting her teeth
"and I promise you Josephine that you won't be able to achieve all you just said"I said and she smiled while looking at me in a kind of way that I didn't understand and then I saw my father's body lying on the floor along with my mother and adam in a pool of their blood while Fiona was lying somewhere else with a stake stake in her heart so I rushed to them
"mum,dad,who did this to you?"I asked holding them tight along with Adam
"Arthur"I heard ruby scream and I turned around to see her clutching her stomach
"ruby"I said walking closer to her and made to grab her  but Josephine came to my front blocking me from her and then she smiled menacingly at me  before she grabbed ruby and stabbed her which made her gasp in shock and I watched in shock as she fell on the floor and I quickly grabbed her body to mine
"ruby"I said shaking her
"open your eyes ruby"I said now crying
"ruby please"I said crying
"ruby!!!"I screamed and stood up to face the bitch but she was gone,no way she couldn't just leave after doing this....
      End of flashback (back to Ruby's pov)

        "so after that I didn't know what to do so I stood at the bridge thinking"he said
"I am sure what you saw was an illusion but why would she do that?"I asked
"I don't know"he said and there was a comfortable silence, I thought he hated me so why did he care when he saw me
"I thought you hated me"I said
"I thought I did but I guess I did not"he said and I looked at him with one of my eyebrows raised
"can you please explain further"I said looking at him confused
"well at some point I wanted to start hating you and I kind of lost control of my monster making him come out and take control over me but he could never hurt you,the only difference between us was that he was cruel and heartless why I am not but the reason that happened most was because I saw you with a man in an hotel room"he said
"so you got jealous"I asked and he nodded
"so how come you've gained control back?"I asked
"my monster lost control of me when I saw you lying in the pool of your own blood"he said
"so that means your monstrous behavior is over"I said now with a smile
"I guess"he said
"and you don't hate me?"I asked
"why would I hate you? you did nothing wrong to me I was the one who did everything, firstly I rejected you then I treated you like shit and then accepted my monster and still treated you like shit so you had all right to hate me"he said
"I also did try to hate you at some point but I just couldn't"I said
"I want you ruby and I love you so much"he said and started caressing my cheek lovingly and I smiled
"don't you feel the same way?"he asked
"I don't know give me some time to think about it"I said but he hesitated a little bit before he gave me a slight nod,we heard someone clear his throat and we turned to see Adam looking at us
"I'm sorry to stop whatever is going on here but there's a situation"Adam said now with a worried face
"what happened?"I asked
"it's mum"he said
"what's wrong with her? Arthur asked "mum is missing"Adam finally said.....

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