Chapter 2

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Izuku's pov:
I open my front door. "Mum I'm home!!" No answer....
I look around to see a note on the table. It says:

I'm working late tonight, I'll be home by morning, I left some money on the side for food.
Love mum xx

I don't really feel hungry yet...... so I began to head to my room.  I started to write down what I could remember from my old hero book, into my new one.
"Take a swan dive off the roof of the building!"
NO IZUKU! stop thinking about it..........
I clench my fists and my nails dig into my skin.
I like that ...
That pain..
It was somehow slightly taking my mind off of kacchan's words.
I needed more...
More pain.
I went to my draw and grabbed a box cutter...
I head to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror before turning to my arm. I make 1 cut. Then 2. Then 3, 4..., 10...,17...,20...,32.., suddenly I had 42 cuts. 21 on each arm. I liked the bloody mess my arm were in, the pain , the red liquid seeping through my skin. It was enjoyable to me.
Although I enjoyed the messy scene, I began to clear up. I only live in a small apartment so me and my mum share a bathroom. I could stand the thought of her seeing me like this, so I hurriedly cleaned away the blood and bandaged my arm. I put on an over-sized navy blue hoody before heading out to the store to get food.

^^^time skip^^^

I had by groceries in hand and head under a bridge.
Suddenly a shadow creeps behind me, engulfing me in a gooey substance. The slime suffocates me. As I begin to black out I see a blurry figure burst out of a sewer drain.

Everything went black.

^^^time skip^^^

I feel someone slapping me awake. I open my eyes to see....


"Omg let me get my notebook!" I scramble to get my note book for him to sign when I see that HE ALREADY SIGNED IT!!!!

"Thank you so much all might!!!!"

"NO PROBLEM!!! BUT I MUST BE OFF NOW!!" He says as he begins to turn away.



"I have a question..."

"Ask away!!!!"

"C-can I be a hero, even without a quirk??"

He hesitates for a moment...
"No, I honestly don't think a quirkless person can become a hero, they would only get in the way and be a burden for others. This will lead for people to get hurt."

I stare in shock as I look at my idol, completely shatter my dreams. He could have at least been nice about it. But no. He straight up called me a burden for others. Ass might...

Ass might turns and jumps away out of sight, leaving me In shock. I stand up and grab my now ruined notebook. "Even his handwriting is loud and obnoxious..." I mumble. At least I can sell it for some cash?

And with that I leave, dreams completely shattered.

~525 words~

A/N sorry the story isn't very good, I'm not very creative and struggle to make my writing interesting. I will try to improve as I go along.

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