' She is mesmerizing '

Start from the beginning

___________ The night becomes more darker in Kabir 's life , he feels restless..
He decided to meet with Riddhima..
He enters into the Raisinghania palace..
He searches Riddhima in every room..
---- " Where are you Riddhima ? "
Suddenly he hears a sound of bangles..
He follows the sound..
He feels sad to see Riddhima is shivering cold to laydown on the floor..
---- " Riddhima ! Vansh is giving you punishment like this ?
I will not leave him.. "

____ Siya comes back into house from party..
She notices Kabir is passing away from the Corridor..

Siya ( laughs ) : What do you think that you can be able to hide your face by this mask ?
You came to meet with your lover ?
Don't forget that She is wife of Vansh Raisinghania..
She is married now..
Forget about her , she is wife of someone else not yours 😂
Opps ! I forget to ask that you come yourself or your lover called you for sexual pleasure..

Kabir ( angrily ) : Siya ! Just shut up..
Don't say rubbish anything about her..
How can you say this when your own brother married her ?
Some minutes before you were saying that She is not mine , she is Vansh Raisinghania 's wife then how can you say this ?
I came here to see her..
I was feeling worried to think about her..
After all you and your evil brother can do anything..

Siya ( laughs ) : Good ! You knew us very well..
But for your kind information I want to say that we didn't torture her physically..
If your love will not finish for her then we should cross our limits..
Now run away from here before I call my brother..

Kabir goes away from there as he doesn't want that Siya try to prove her lady love as character less in front of her evil brother..
He waits for the morning..

____________ Sun rays falls on Riddhima 's face..
She notices a blanket over her..
She smiles to think Vansh covered her..
To fold the blanket she goes to take bath..

____ Vansh comes to take his shirt from wardrobe..
Suddenly he remembers the moment of last night to notices the blanket..
--- " Uff ! This girl slept last night without adjust the the volume of air-conditioner.. I forced to touch her , I hope she doesn't remember about last night's incident"

Riddhima happily comes out to take shower..
Suddenly her eyes becomes wide in shock to notice Vansh..
She scrims..
She runs away in front of him then hides behind the curtain..

Vansh becomes speechless for a moment to see her in towel..
He feels dizziness..
----/ In mind : Awe ! She is mesmerizing..
Control Vansh ! Control yourself../

Riddhima ( cries ) : Can't you come in the room few minutes later ?
Today I forgot to take towel and you only come today..
Awnnn 😢😢

Vansh ( irritatingly ) : Don't shout please..
I didn't see anything..

Riddhima ( shockingly ) : Really !
Are you saying truth ?

Vansh ( angrily ) : Yeah.. Damnit..
He goes away from the room..

Riddhima plays with her finger..
--- " He seen me or he didn't see me.. "
Her fingers meet at the point ' He seen me '

Riddhima gulps..
______ To get ready Riddhima comes out from the room after her prayer..
She notices Vansh is changing the garland of Dadi..
She adores him...
She also goes there then puts on the candle..

Meanwhile Disouza 's voice makes her surprise..

--- " Riddhima ! See ! Who came to meet with you ? "

Riddhima ( surprisingly ) : Kabir Sir..

Kabir ( smiles ) : Happy Birthday Riddhima..

Riddhima ( shockingly) : Today is my birthday..
Opps ! I forget it totally..
Nowadays time is passing so fast in my life..
In just one night my life changed totally..
Thank you Sir for remind my birthday..

Kabir gives her a flower bouquet..

Vansh feels jealous to see this scenario..

Kabir ( chuckles ) : Are you feeling shock Me.Raisinghania ?
As a husband you proved looser 😂
You even didn't know about your wife's birthday..
Lol ! This not suits with your great personality Mr.Raisinghania...

Vansh ( smiles to hide his anger ) : I'm impressed to see you Kabir Sir..
Are you come to your every students house like this to wish them ' Happy Birthday ' ?
Who said you that I didn't know about my wife's date of birth ?
For your kind information I want to say you that tonight I arranged a party to celebrate my life partner 's birthday..
You please come in the party..

Riddhima 's eyes becomes teary to hear this..


Kabir ( wishpers ) : Vansh Raisinghania ! Please stop to play with her emotions..

Vansh ( chuckles ) : Kabir Sir ! You please don't be worried to think about my wife's birthday celebration..
I'm here to think about my wife..

Kabir : Stop your drama ! Why you bound her in this fake relationship ? You can't snatch my love like this..

Vansh : You stay away from my wife..
Otherwise I will give yours eyes on your hand..

Precap : Vansh vs Kabir 💥

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