Chapter 6 Ash's POV

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Today was the quarter finals. I couldn't tell if I was more afraid, nervous, happy, relieved, annoyed, hopeful, or just all of them blended together in one massive blender. (By the way, this chapter is the same day as the last chapter). We had only sang one song at Canterlot High, but the students had listened. Sonata was still humming the song. I may have sang the song myself, but that did not mean having Sonata hum it all the time made it not annoying. The competition was after school, so I had to get through all my classes first. Adagio yawned and leaned back in our chair while our teacher tried to explain why the periodic table was so important. 

"I'd like all of you to memorize it by tomorrow, as well as chapters two through thirty six of your science book ." He told us.

Aria gave our teacher a dirty look. Sonata sat up suddenly and nearly fell out of her chair. Adagio gaped at him. Rarity fainted. I stood up.

"You're nuts." I said bluntly.

"Sit down NOW and report to detention after class."

After class was the music competition. Adagio leaned forward into my line of vision and made the 'what's wrong with you' face. Something dinged in my head. Everyone was staring at me. 

"No." I said flatly.


I shrugged. "By Equestrian- I mean, human law, seven thousand six hundred fifty three, no human is allowed to be forced to do anything they don't want to do by sector of human rights law book seven billion three hundred and nine."

The bell rang.

"Which means, if I don't want to go to detention, I don't have to. And if I don't want to memorize the outrageous amount you just stated, I don't have to either."

The whole class started clapping.

"No one does."

Now everyone started cheering. 

"IF I WANT TO EAT A TACO I CAN!" Sonata yelled.

She pulled out one and started eating. Everyone froze mid-cheer. Someone coughed.

"Say what now?" Twilight's dog barked. Everyone turned in surprise. Adagio started singing.

"Ah ah ah. Ah ah. Ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah."

Everyone except the mane 6-5 made a blank face and sat down. The bell rang again and everyone left. The teacher looked bewildered and scratched his head. 

"Adagio," I said when we left.

"What do you want now?" Adagio sounded exasperated. 

"I already had to clean up after your mess in class. That teacher won't even remember giving out the homework."

I decidedly did not respond to her last comment so I wouldn't get in an argument. I'd heard that if you ask someone some questions they will say yes to, then ask them something they'll say no to, they'll say yes instead of no.

"Umm...are tomatoes red?"

"Ye- wait what?"

"Umm...Is Canterlot High three stories?"

"Yes, why?"

"Is your room the biggest?"

Adagio flicked her hair over her shoulder. "Of course it is."

"Ahh... Do you like your bed?"


"Are you annoyed with me?"

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