Chapter 1 Ash's POV

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I groaned when Adagio told me to wake up for school.

 "Why do I have to go? I was having a nice dream where Aria never listened to her annoying music ever again."

"Hey!" Aria shouted from the living room.

"You know why we're going to this school. We need the equestrian magic there- you saw the magic. We need it to make this pathetic world adore us." Adagio replied.

I stood up and crossed my arms. "What if I don't want to take over the world? What if I just want friends? What if I think taking over the world is a big hassle that isn't even worth it?" 

Adagio turned around, and from the expression on her face, I knew I'd said the wrong thing. "It doesn't matter what you think. Taking over the world is what we were meant to do. Live up to it or leave and never come back, little sister. And besides, you don't need friends. You  have us. We're all you should need."

I sat down at my dresser to brush my hair. To be honest, I'm kind of afraid of Adagio. She's my older sister, and most importantly, incredibly manipulative. If she doesn't get what she wants, She'll go nuts until she does get it. I don't know how we're even related. We don't even look similar, aside from my identically magenta eyes. I have dark blue hair with sea-green highlights at my ends. My skin is a green color like my hair, and as I said before, my eyes are the same color as Adagio. Sometimes, I get scared of my own eyes, because I feel like I'm looking at Adagio. I hate mirrors. I especially hate it when Adagio talks about ruling the world. I don't want to rule. It sounds way more of a hassle than it's worth. I wouldn't even use my magic if it weren't for the others. I care about them, yeah, I mean, they're my sisters, but that doesn't mean I agree with them. Sonata is easy to get on my side if I just give her tacos. Literally. All she cares about is tacos. I mean, seriously?! To be honest, I hate tacos. If I told Sonata that though, it would probably break her heart. So, I've kept that a secret. I didn't bother eating breakfast. I don't need food. I just need negative energy. I mean, I feel bad taking it and making everyone mad at each other, but it's not like I have a choice. What else can I do, starve? No thanks, sorry! When I arrived at school though, I totally changed my mind. This was going to be awesome! Unless my sisters ruined it, that is. Which they probably would. Yeah, I'll just enjoy this place while it lasts. While we were waiting for someone to show us around, Adagio started lecturing us.

"Ash, don't make friends with anyone." Adagio added.

I stiffened and finally paid attention. "Wait, what?!"

Adagio shrugged. "I don't want you to get all 'attached' to this place, since we're already going to take it over.

I gaped at her and tried to think of something to make her change her mind. At a terrible timing, the girl who was supposed to show us around finally came.

 "Hi! My name is Sunset Shimmer. Welcome to Canterlot High. I'm sure you guys are going to love it here."

Adagio smirked. "Yes...I feel there's something...magical about this place."

"Do you have a library?" I interrupted. 

Sunset smiled and nodded. "Mhm. I can show it to you after school, since it's not on my tour and there'll be a class there already, and we don't want to disturb them."

And of course, Adagio just had to ruin the moment. "Actually, we're fine. My sister doesn't like to hang out after school." 

I glared at her and pouted my lips. Sunset tried to break the awkward moment and I felt a little bad for her.

"Wow. Nice necklaces. You guys all have the same ones. I've never seen anything like them."

Adagio abruptly stopped Sunset from touching my necklace and pushed her wrist away. "Sorry...these necklaces mean a lot to us. We wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them."

Sunset rubbed her wrist and I noticed red marks on it. I put my hands on my hips and rolled my eyes at Adagio. I glanced at Aria and Sonata, curious to why they'd been so quiet and sighed when I saw Aria had been listening to music and completely unaware of the conversation. Sonata was eating a taco. A. Taco. REALLY? 

"What are your names?" 

Poor Sunset. Still trying to make friends with my sisters. Maybe at least I could try to make her feel a bit better... 

"I'm Ash, the girl with blue hair eating a taco is Sonata, the one listening to music is Aria, and That's Adagio." Aria finally realized something was happening and put her music away, throwing Sonata's taco away and earning a heartbroken expression from Sonata.

 "Is it just a coincidence you all came at the same time or-"  

"Can you just finish this tour already? It's really boring right now." Area moaned. 

Sunset looked a bit awkward and nudged Aria with my elbow. She nudged me back a lot harder and I nearly fell down. Sonata giggled. Sonata is my older sister (somehow), Aria is my older sister, and so is Adagio. It's really annoying. I'd rather be older than at least one person than be the youngest.

"Umm...what's that poster?" I asked, pointing at the paper stuck to the wall. It had a picture of a guitar and music notes.

"Oh! We're having a music festival where we all perform and give the money to charity! Do you guys sing or play instruments?" 

My sisters perked up.

"We have been known to sing from time to time..." Adagio commented.

Sonata gave her a confused face. "What are you talking about? We sing like, all the time. It's how we get people to do what we want."

Both me, Aria and Adagio elbowed Sonata. "Ow..."

"What my sister means is that people love our singing. They usually love it so much they'd do anything for us."

Now Sunset looked really uncomfortable.

"Are you in a band?" I inquired.

Sunset looked a little disappointed, then smiled. "No, but my friends are."

I grinned. "I'd love to see them play." Adagio looked like she was about to object, then changed her mind.

"Sure! I think they're probably still practicing now. Sherbet can show your sisters around for the rest of the tour instead."

Aria and Sonata shrugged. "Either way it'll be boring."

Adagio gave them a warning look and waved at Sunset. "We don't mind. Have fun." I followed Sunset Shimmer to her room and gaped when I came in. The girls in front of me had pony ears, tails, and some of them even had wings. Equestrian magic! I've found it!

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