Should have gone for the head

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Thanos gets impaled by Thor's new weapon, Stormbreaker, after retrieving the last of the infinity stones. Thor flew down and marched his way over to Thanos before grabbing him by the ear, pushing the axe further into his chest.

"I told would die for that." Thor reminded the Mad Titan as he kept pushing the axe into his chest.

Thor wanted to revel in this moment after everything that he had done to himself and his people.

" should've gone for the head," Thanos says as he raises his fingers and...

"NO!" Thor cried in terror.


They lost.

They fought as best as they could, but Thanos won.

Thanos collected all six Infinity Stones and snapped his fingers. Killing half of all life in the universe.

That included a handful of Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

But what happened to them after they were snapped?



Peter Parker gasped awake, and he looked around to wonder where he was. The last thing that he remembered was that he was holding onto Tony Stark on Titan after feeling himself start to turn to dust.

"Where am I?" Peter asked as he stood up and looked down and saw how the entire world was orange, with the floor looking like it was made of water. "Is this...heaven?"

"Not exactly." Someone said, getting Peter scared as he jumped and looked to see Dr. Strange standing behind him. "Sorry."

"Strange?!" Peter asked as he started to calm down. "What happened?"

"Thanos won." Strange was sorry to say. "This...this is the Soul Stone."

"We're inside the Infinity Stone?" Peter was shocked to hear this and started to look around. "Is it just us?"

"Nope." A third figure said, getting the two to jump and see Bucky Barnes, the ex-Winter Soldier, getting off of the ground and picking up his rifle. "I'm here, too."

"Sergent Barnes." Stephen greeted him. "Seems you were also one of the misfortunate people who died like us."

"You could say that again," Bucky commented as he walked towards them and looked around. "So... what do we do now?"

"There's nothing we can do." Strange was sorry to tell the war veteran. "Thanos won."

"What the hell did I miss?" Hope Van Dyne asked as she looked around. "What happened?"

"Ms. Van Dyne. I apologize to inform you of this, but you're dead." Strange was as subtle as a brick with that.

"Wow. You're as comforting as a porcupine." Bucky commented on Strange's comforting skills.

That's when they looked and saw all of the dusted Avengers who didn't survive start to appear around them. Just as how they were dusted in the real world, that's how they appeared inside the Soul Stone. Even coming back through the same dust transformation that they were killed in, just in reverse to form them.

Drax, Mantis, and Quill showed up just a few feet from everyone, most of them standing near one another. King T'Challa was bent down with his hand stretched out as if he was holding it out for someone to take. Sam Wilson was laying on the floor and groaned in pain as he got back up. Shuri also came in, her gauntlets raised as she was aiming at attackers when she was snapped.

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