Chapter Two

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"Daddy." Christopher whined, walking into my bedroom. I sighed, sitting up as he climbed onto my bed.

"Where's Veronica?" I asked him. Veronica was Christopher's nanny, she was about 70 years old so I had no problems with falling in love with this one.

"Making lunch. Daddy, when is mommy coming home?"

"I don't know son, mommy is really busy right now."

"Well why can't we go stay with mommy?"

I honestly wish we could, but I had no idea where Chloe even was.

"We just can't. Do you want to talk to her?"

He nodded a wide grin spreading across his face.

I chuckled, handing him my phone. He knew exactly how to get in contact with Chloe.

The phone rang for a couple of seconds before Chloe answered.

"Hello?" she said into the phone, it sounded like she had been crying.

"Hi mommy." Christopher yelled out.

"Hi baby boy, how are you?"

"Good. Mommy?"


"Why are you crying?"

"I was just watching a sad movie baby. What's going on?"


"I miss you. When can you come home? Daddy misses you too."

The phone was silent for a minute and she said the words I never thought I would hear again.

"I'm getting on a plane tomorrow baby and coming home. I have a surprise for you. A surprise for you and daddy."

Christopher gasped jumping up, "What is it! A dog?"

She giggled, saying, "No, it's something like that though. Look mommy has to go and get packed. I will call you when I'm there tomorrow."

"Okay, love you mommy."

"Love you too baby."

Christopher hung up, giving me the phone and running out the room yelling Veronica's name.

I sat there in shock. Chloe was coming home.

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