Part 4

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part 4

As I stepped into my New York City apartment, I couldn't stop thinking of the day I had and our trip to the hospital. Making my way to the kitchen, I poured myself a glass of red wine. My smart home adjusted the blind to let in the proper amount of sunlight and soft jazz music playing in the background added to calm me down.

I settled into my favourite armchair in the living room, surrounded by shelves of classic collectible literature. Reading has always been a source of comfort.

As I turned the pages of my ereader, reading an erotic short story from Stephanie Robinson about a stalker following a beautiful young woman casted and on crutches, my thoughts wandered to my patients, their stories, struggles, and the hands-on approach I shared during therapy sessions.

Among them, a particular patient occupied my mind more than the others, Sophie Thompson. Her uniqueness, her captivating presence, and her fascinating fetishes and that after just one visit, scared me that it may go beyond the conventional doctor-patient relationship.

Sophie had intrigued me from the start, and I couldn't deny the connection that had formed between us. My professional training taught me the importance of maintaining boundaries, but to see her vulnerable with a broken leg challenged me on a personal level.

I closed my eyes briefly, taking a moment of introspection. The way she broke her leg, the sight of her in the hospital with her long black cast bent at the knee, and her exposed toes occupied my thoughts.
1- I had a mix of emotions about the pain she suffered. I was never into pain.
2- I have a deep concern for her well-being if pain continues to be so important in her life.
3-I have a fascination for her other fetishes.
4-I have a personal attraction that I could easily comprehend. She's tall, sexy. Intelligent and now in a leg cast and crutches.

I rose from the armchair and made my way to the second bedroom. Inside my special closet, I carefully selected my attire for the evening, an elegant leather skirt, paired with pantyhose and a white silk blouse. I slipped into an elegant knee high stiletto heel boot on my left foot and using ace bandages I created a recreational stump where my right lower leg used to be. I didn't really have time that night for a leg cast.

I grabbed my crutches and walked to my mirror. Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I saw a version of myself that I often kept hidden, a part of me that explored my own desires. I felt beautiful and very vulnerable. Was my world ready to accept me alternating between my 2 personalities? I was about to answer that when my intercom buzzed.

I hesitated for a moment before answering the intercom, staring at myself in front of the mirror. If I answer there is no going back, the secret would be out. Taking a deep breath, I decided to play the unexpected card and swing my one leg through my crutches towards the intercom.

Pressing the button to answer, I replied, "Hello?"

"Dr. Miller, it's Sophie," her voice came through the speaker.

Just her voice sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel sexual tension and excitement.

"Sophie, please come up."

Moments later, the doorbell rang, and I carefully made my way on my crutches to open it.

As I approached the door, my heart raced with anticipation. I couldn't help but wonder how Sophie would look tonight and how she would react. As I opened the door, the sight that greeted me took my breath away.

Sophie stood there, radiant, dressed in a flowing midnight blue dress that hugged her curves in all the right places. I made sure my eyes were drawn to her pretty face and how her curly hair was cascading around her shoulders. Her full lips curved into a warm smile, and her eyes held a glimmer of excitement and curiosity from seeing me dressed in a skirt and blouse and yes missing a leg. That stirred something deep within me.

The woman knew how to dress to impress, her look was completed with an elegant high heel that accentuated the curves of her one leg. My gaze couldn't help but drift down to her limbs, and there it was. Her broken leg was in a sleek and slim non-weight bearing black cast that looked surprisingly natural on her since it followed an already very sexy long leg.

She didn't look vulnerable at all as her other leg supported her weight, in that sexy shoe. Both her leg and the cast were partly hidden by a pair of patterned fishnet pantyhose, adding to her already captivating appearance.

"Hello, Dr. Miller," she greeted me standing tall on her crutches with a warm smile staring at my one leg, skirt, blouse and crutches all at once it seemed.

"Hello, Sophie," I replied, my heart beating so fast. "Please come in."

Sophie glanced at my crutches, and her smile widened with a mix of curiosity and pure lust. I wondered if she noticed my erection, oh she did trust me, after all she did lick her lips.

"I hope you don't mind me dropping by like this," she said, stepping closer to me, close enough to be in contact with my penis.

"Not at all," I assured her.

We settled into the living room, I intentionally left space between us to control my desire to touch her so badly. The intimacy of the moment was palpable and like that wasn't enough Sophie threw a curved ball at me right between my legs, I met my eyes.

The devil in person looked at me with a glimmer of playfulness in her eyes.

"Dr. Miller," she said, her voice sensual,

"Could you do me a favour?"

"Sure miss what can I do?"

"My broken leg feels better when it's elevated. Would you mind lifting my cast onto the coffee table for me? If that's possible with your recent amputation"

I was in love, I smiled and said "Of course, Sophie," staring at her perfect long leg cast and my one leg.

Carefully I stood on my one leg, balancing on my crutches, I made my way to her side. With gentle precision, I slid my arm beneath her broken leg, mindful of her comfort as I lifted it onto the coffee table. The cast added an unexpected weight, but I steadied myself, my stump rubbing against my crutches but eager to help her.

As her broken leg now rested on the table, she let out a soft sigh of relief, almost a moan while her long fingers caressed her pantyhose covered leg cast. The sound she made drove me crazy. She was sliding them from her knee up her long cast.

"Thank you, Dr. Miller, that feels much better."

I settled back onto the nearby couch, crutches on the floor beside me, my eyes drawn to all of her. Sophie slightly moved her cast aside, spreading her legs open smiling, OMG, she had no panties and was shaven like a baby.

I was speechless, I couldn't stop staring.

"I couldn't stop thinking about our last session, humm...before I broke my leg Doctor" Sophie began, her voice so sensual.

"I understand that it was very dramatic, please continue,"

"The connection we share, it's unlike anything I've experienced before." She said, staring at my long leg, knee boot and stump.

Her words resonated deep within me, and I leaned forward, drawn to her.

"I feel the same way, but since I'm your doctor we..." She didn't let me finish.

As if sensing I was out of control, Sophie leaned in closer, her hand reaching out to gently touch my stump, inches from my hard penis. I was vulnerable when her long fingers rubbed my penis ever so slowly and the desire I felt was like nothing before.

She whispered,then using both of her hands put her broken leg between my leg and stump, against my hard penis.

"Dr. Miller, may I do something very personal, erotic and totally unprofessional to you?"

Part 5 to come

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