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Aahan's POV-

I'm fucked, if that 'cafe girl' had dominated my thoughts before we had eye contact, she'd consumed them after.

I just happened to visit that cafe one day and met the love of my life, maybe it's too soon to give her this tag, but she's very different from others, and this feeling I've for her is very different this urge to hide her from the world and to wake up to her smiling face, the entire zoo I feel in my stomach whenever I think about her, all this has never happened before and is very very different and I'm loving it.

Down bad Aahan! tch tch!

It's been a week since we met and not a minute has passed without the memory of her blushing face, I couldn't visit the cafe after that because of my exam.

I rubbed a hand over my mouth and tried to focus on my last exam i.e. tomorrow. I may have been distracted but I can't still outsmart and outperform every other classmate of mine and I will. I need to get into a nice college, study hard be a billionaire and do billionaire-y stuff.

Wait I should start making a list no-

Yes, Aahan you should.

1) Buy a Mustang
2) Go on honeymoon to Paris
3) Buy as many hot wheels as you can

yeah, that's it for now.


After the exam, I went straight to meet my girl and guess what?

She wasn't there.

Bad day Aahan! bad day!

I went towards the counter to ask about her.

"Umm hii"

"Yes sir"

"I want to inquire about a girl, she works here, and her hair is always tied up in a brown scrunchie."

wow nice observation!

She looked at me as if I was an alien or she must be spellbound by my beauty. I and my inner self agreed on the latter.

"Umm there's a girl with rosy skin, doe-eyes, waist-length hair and-"

"Why are you behind my sister? She has got nothing to do with you!!" This irritating male voice stopped me from describing her.

Sister hmmm another brother-in-law.

"I found her thanks." I smiled at the receptionist and turned towards the voice and found the same 4'5 boy, hands crossed, frown lines forming on his face and glaring as if I'd stolen his favourite V7 pen.

He was this close to look like Gian. Dwarf Gian.

"What's your name kid?" I asked.

"I'm Mohan Prakash from Rajasthan and my sister is already married. Stop wasting your time and stop following her. Will you?" He shouted.

"First of all don't shout, you sound like Gian, stop scaring the 4 y/o in me."

"And you're Nobita" he glared.

"No, I'm Kiteretsu. And about 'my sister is married' I know you're lying."

There's no way she's married, if she's I'll be that bad boy from Wattpad and will kidnap her. *evil smile*

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