Waking Up/New Girlfriend

624 23 9

"Rigel" -talking

'Dumbfuck' -thinking

"Enough" -familiars speaking/beast speak/gobbledygook

'Interesting' -familiars/magical creature/goblin thinking

§open§ -Parseltongue

"Hello" - speaking a different language

Hello -writing/messages/news

'Salazar'- will being read/memories being seen/visions

Chapter 5: Waking Up/New Girlfriend


¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Start Chapter¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤

Third pov:

It has taken 3½ days for Harry to recover from the chamber incident. It is now Wednesday night when Harry wakes up. He woke up groggily rubbing his eyes before looking up at the familiar ceiling of the hospital wing that was blurry. Harry then turns over and reaches around for his glasses. As he does some soft feminine hands that smell of vanilla lotion were near his face and he heard the familiar voice of his crush.

Hermoine-*whispers while putting Harry's glasses on his face*"Here Harry but be quiet it's late and Pomfrey is asleep"

Harry-*sits up, looks at Hermoine, and whispers*"It's so good to see you up Hermoine but what are you doing here you should be in your bed at Gryffindor Tower. What time is it? How long was I out? When did you wake up? Is everyone else ok? What about the twin's si..."

Hermoine interrupted Harry by gently grabbing him by the collar and pulling him in for a kiss. Harry stiffens up in shock his eyes widen in surprise. After a few seconds, Hermoine was going to pull away because Harry wasn't kissing back. However, before she could Harry relaxed leans into her kiss and started to kiss back. They continue to kiss until they once again needed to breathe. Hermoine pulled away slowly and their lips were only a few inches apart.

Harry- *whispers breathlessly*"Wow maybe I should nearly die by a basilisk more often if that's the treatment I get when I survive."

Hermoine-*Whispers*"Don't even think about it Harry James Potter Neville told me you went down alone if you do anything like that again I will hex you to next year."

Harry-*whispers*"Then what do I get for such a kiss you know you should only kiss your boyfriend like that"

Hermion-*scowls and Whispers*"Harry James Potter if you think I kiss anyone other then my boyfriend that way then you don't know me as well as I thought you did."

Harry-*leans back in bed whispers*"I am confused I never did ask you out so why you kiss..."

Hermione-*stops him putting her hand up and whispers*"Harry before you finish that sentence let me speak also don't worry about Dumbledore he still not return yet. Harry when I was petrified I heard everything you said. *Harry's eyes wide in shock fear showing in them he starts looking around as if trying to find an escape but Hermione put a hand on his cheek to relax him. When he relaxed she starts to speak again* Harry it ok I'm not mad I know that most of the stuff you said was practice the fact you repeated practice to not upset me when I woke up. Also yes Harry I love to be your girlfriend I have felt the same way about you since you saved me from a troll it started as a small crush but as we got t know each other I started to wish we could be more than friends. I already know you are suspicious of Dumbledore and Ron, had you not explained why I would have probably fought you tooth and nail to defend Dumbledore or Ron, I did as you suggested and learn Occlumency while I was petrified. For the last 3 nights since I woke up and while you have been out, I had Neville help me with practice blocking attacks. I also refuse to look Snape or Dumbledore in the eyes until I master it. I will continue to work on it for the next few months with you during school and then by myself during the summer. Also while you were out Neville let me borrow those two books the ones called European Pureblood New &Old: Family Facts and their Sigils and Pureblood Etiquette: Things every pureblood and half-blood should know. Though I don't like or didn't understand some things but Neville help me understand from a wizard's point of view I took your advice, Harry I am trying to be more open-minded and actually see it from others points of view. I am aware that the wizarding world is slightly backwards compared to the muggle world but that because of the old bigots who are holding on to their being in charge for as long as they can we all here are the future and we can change it in time. After all, they did it in other countries so it should be able to be done here too. Neville helps me understand the wizarding world while I help him and the twins learn of the muggle world.  The quidditch chaser has been giving me advice I actually got along better with my roommates Paverti and Lavander they wanted to apologize to you they never believed that you were at fault for the attacks but they felt guilty that they never defended you. Neville had them swear an oath that they were telling the truth, they did it without hesitation, and Neville has been teaching them Occlumency for the last three days."

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