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L's eyelashes flutter softly against his pale skin, causing Light's heart to begin racing. L is waking up, which means that day ten of the courtship is about to begin. Light loves the lavish little gifts L spoils him with, unashamed to admit it to L. Light likes being spoiled. Each gift costs money that L spends, which Light takes as a sign that L likes him. It's the personalization of the gifts that indicate L loves him. L spoils him with chocolates from Japan and blankets made of soft silk. For the third day of the courtship, L bought him several outfits from a store back in Japan— how they got there for the third day of the courtship is still a mystery to Light.

Light wants to be spoiled and pampered in gifts— well, Light doesn't really need the gifts, but they do make him incredibly happy. In general, Light likes being spoiled. He likes being the center-of-attention, the most important person in the room. He wants a partner who thinks the world of him. However, Light also needs a partner who isn't afraid to bite back. He needs someone to tell him 'no,' and put their foot down when he has a tantrum— Light hates calling his episodes that, but he isn't sure what else to call them. He needs someone who grounds him and reminds him of his place. He needs someone who isn't charmed by his manipulation but is willing to be gentle and kind with him. He needs someone to challenge him. L is by no means perfect, but Light decided— years back, against his better judgement— that L was the only one for him. If he couldn't have L, he wouldn't have anyone.

L smiles at him, sleep still softening his usually distant demeanor. He's been better about being more open, but Light can tell he struggles with it. L hasn't been able to trust anyone for years, and Light can't undo that in a few days— especially since he's part of the reason L doesn't trust anyone.

Light snuggles deeper into L's side, breathing in L's clean scent. L always smells of sugar, laundry detergent, and soap. He finds himself rather fond of the Alpha's scent. The scent is comforting, perhaps even grounding. Light has come to associate L's scent with order, warmth, and a sense of relaxation.

Now that L has won, Light doesn't have to be perfect. Light can afford to sleep for longer hours without feeling guilty because he should have been doing something to create a New World Order. He's allowed to be soft and let his inner Omega out— something he never thought about doing, even before he became Kira. If Light wants to, he can walk around in a pair of fluffy slippers and a soft bathrobe. He can just be. L doesn't expect Light to be perfect, which is helping to undo some of the damage Light did to himself. With L, Light doesn't have to be in control— Light likes not being in control.

L presses a kiss to Light's forehead. "Good morning, Light-kun. How are you?"

"I'm happy," replies Light with a soft smile.


"You make me happy." Light tries to ignore the fact he's starting to blush. "You let me exist without expecting me to be perfect. You never pressured me to be perfect. You let me just... exist. You're good to me."

"I like this," remarks L, a small smirk on his face. "Tell me more."

"You're just good to me." Light pauses for a moment, looking away from L. "You didn't have to court me. You're giving me all these beautiful gifts to show that you can be a good mate, and no one ever put that much effort into the gifts they bought me. Misa just bought me... stuff. You know what I like and the size of my clothes. I like being cared for. I like being loved by you, if that makes sense."

"It does." L wraps an arm around Light, pulling them closer together. Light immediately rests his head on L's shoulder, letting L's run his long, slender fingers through his hair. "I like having you here. You're good for Near and I. I must admit something to Light-kun."

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