You're drunk.

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The party sucks and so does the alcohol. Paige is real fucking drunk. "ajjjj! hiii" Paige softly says. "Hi again?" I reply as Paige holds my hand. I zone out up until I hear Paige. "I love youu." You're drunk.

"I love you too."

"Wanna go home?" I ask Paige and she nods. 

Me and her walk towards Dillion. "Hey Dill! Can you drive us home haha?" I ask him.

"Of course!"  He says leading us to the car.

"haha dill pickleee!"

He opens the car door for us. Paige sits near the window and I sit in the middle. The window Paige is near is down in case she has to vomit. The car ride is awkward up until Paige randomly vomits out the window. "oh fuckkkk." 

Oh fuck indeed. "Paige- you feel okay?" Dillion asks.

"Oh my fucking god- stop at a gas station like right now."

"Okay-" Dillion replies a few minutes before stopping at a gas station.

"Stay here."

I go inside the gas station holding my wallet. The cashier is asleep. I grab a gatorade and a water and go up to the cashier. "Hey? Dude. Wake up" I say.

"Wha- I wasn't- oh." He wakes up and scans the drinks. "$5."

I put $10 on the counter and leave. I go back to the car and Dillion is comforting the drunk girl in the back. He looks out the window at me and says, "Don't sit in the back.. please-"

"Wh- ohhh. ew." I say opening the door and closing it. I go and sit next to Dillion. "This girl is gonna be the death of me." Dillion whispers. I hand Paige the gatorade and water. "thank youu!" She replies. Dillion drops us off at Paige's place and before driving off he says, "I'm going to whatever car wash is open the fuck-"  I reply nodding. Paige and I go inside and Angie is sitting on the couch watching a drama series. She turns around and smiles. 

"Hey guys! Was the party funn?" She asks.

"Paige threw up all over Dillion's car.."

"Oh- oh shit"


"I'm gonna go home. Bye Angie! Bye Paige!" I say before skating home. I stop randomly and check my phone


you otw home??

are you still at the party?


r you dead wtf??


Wtf no? I'm otw the hell.. 


oh- sorry

I get home. Once I knock on the front door Gabby answers. "Mom and dad are asleep shh." She whispers and I nod. I go up to my room. Paige starts texting me randomly. She sends a picture of ice cream and a pizza.

Good Cop 

food <333

I smile looking down at my phone. Gabby walks in my room and looks to see who I'm texting. "Ooooo Paige?" She laughs and I hit her shoulder jokingly. "Paige got so fucking drunk tonight-. It was hilarious." She affirms and I giggle. "She said she loves me" I blurt out.

"Oh nice." She says in a sad tone.

"What? Why are you.. sad?"

"I'm not, silly! I'm happy for you!" It's weird.. she does shit like that when she's jealous or something. "Oh- thanks?" I say awkwardly and she leaves. I check my phone and Dillion complains about his car. I laugh and put my earbuds in and play music to fall asleep to. I spent 20 - 30 minutes listening to music. I turn off the music and check my messages. Paige texted a few minutes ago.

Good Cop

night night!! 



I go downstairs and see Gabby watching Dance Moms. I make popcorn and sit next to her. "Why are you up?"

"Why are you?"

"Couldn't sleep" We say at the same time.

I watch Dance Moms with Gabby and fall asleep.

I had woken up on the couch with a blanket and a pillow and Gabby was asleep on a chair nearby.

A/N : WHOOP WHOOP PARTIES !! I'm writing an elmax story so if you like elmax I'm making a story abt it!! Also, I feel like its cannon that gabby likes dance moms lmfaoo. remember to vote if you like the story! <3

Kissing you. // crush //Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt