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"AJ?" Paige whispers in the crowded mall. "Huh?" 

"Are you okay? You zoned out-"

"I'm fine" I say kissing her. She drags me into a photobooth. We pose and kiss a little bit. After she suggests getting food, and I nod in agreement. We go to a fancy-ish resturant. I stare at the crowed dining area and line. I felt nervous, like everyone was judging me. "I.. I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I excuse myself. I rush into a bathroom stall. I fall to my knees. I almost cry. I felt.. suffocated. The only voices I hear are in my head.

"you fucking dissapointment. Can't even handle a crowd?" And so on. I hear a knock on the stall door. "AJ? Are you okay? We can leave if you want..?"

"I- I'm fine-."

"We can leave?"

"If thats what you want to do?" I say coming out the stall and washing my hands. She nods and kisses me. We leave the resturant and she drags me into a clothes shop. She sees a leather jacket and looks at me. "nope." I say confidently. She looks at me, making me debate my choice. "fine"

I try on the jacket in a booth. I look in a mirror, damn I look good! "Paige I look so good!!" I exclaim walking out. She smirks. "Paee does it look good?" I ask and she nods. I kiss her and take my wallet out of my pocket. I find a cute crop top and glance at Paige. She tries it on "AJ..its a little big.. c'mere-" I walk in the booth thing and she's holding onto it so it doesn't fall. "Oh shit- you still look good" I joke and she slaps my arm gently. "AJ!" She exclaims giggling.


I now own a leather jacket. Paige sits on her bed with me in her lap. My legs are wrapped around her waist and my head resting in the crook of her neck. I kiss Paige. She picks me up and gently pins me to the door. "P-Paige isn't Dillion and your mom here?-" I ask nervously.

"They probably won't care don't worry-"


She kisses me again, this time moving down to my neck. She moves back to my lips. She moves her hands up to my hips, still holding onto me. She tries to be rougher moving down near my jawline. Dillion knocks, scaring the shit out of us. We move away from the door so Dillion can open it. She puts me on her bed and sits next to me. Dillion walks in. "Heyy- AJ nice hickeys." He laughs. "HICKEYS?" I exclaim looking at Paige. "Fucking vampires" I whisper. Paige awkwardly smiles and I look away. "Shit I should go." I say waving bye and grabbing my bag and skateboard. I leave.

While skating home I see Gabby. "AJ!" She exclaims running towards me. Her eyes widen. "Did Paige do that-?" She asks about the hickeys. "How many are there?.." 

"Four.. three..?"

"WHA.." I gasp.

She awkwardly looks at me. I skate off. "AJ-" She shouts running behind me. "fuckheadd!" I say laughing. 

A/N : I fr hate spicy shit idk why i write or read it, it lowkey disgusts me . Lmaoo

Kissing you. // crush //حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن