Chapter 21 -Do you want me to regurgitate it? Cuz I could, like a mama bird

Start from the beginning

"Nice to meet you sir." We said simultaneously.

He looked to be in his mid sixties, with grey hair decorating his head, a Scottish accent heavy in his words. The inside of the car smelled brand new, and it was so comfortable I almost fell asleep. He turned on a playlist before we left and I knew it felt familiar. I mean not only the songs themselves, but the order. Where have I heard it? Then it hit me, it was the playlist Lara sent to Axel. I looked at her, but she was already looking at me.

"He really doesn't miss anything does he?" She asked.

I was too stunned to say anything so I just shook my head. The hold this man has over my heart is unbelievable.

The car ride there was comfortable and amusing. It took about 50 minutes to get to Malibu to the strip of land his  house was on. Axel's family owned a huge piece of land and the entire driveway until the house gates was decorated with different sized lights and lanterns; it looked absolutely magical. When we got to the gate, we couldn't believe our eyes. The house looked like something straight out of the movies. A huge, well kept garden, butlers at the door and guards at the gates, three floors completely illuminated, classical music played by a live pianist.

"If he's this loaded, why the hell does he work a minimum wage job, listening to customers whine all day?" Asked Lara.

"I think he said he wanted to be independent of his dad's money, and make his own." I replied, remembering one of the first conversations we ever had.

"Noble, but still."

Our car stopped in front of the grand entrance. The stairway that lead to the main entrance was covered in a red carpet, and it made us feel like celebrities.

McGilligan got down and opened the door for us.

"Hope you enjoy the party ladies. I'll be outside here somewhere, waiting to drop you off home." He said.

"Thank you so much." I replied.

"Thank you!" Said Lara.

We stood at the bottom of the stairs looking up.

"Are you ready to face the music?" Asked Lara.

"Nope. I'm super nervous." It was like he felt my nerves, because he texted me right away.

From Axel:

I spy with my little eye, an angel in green.

To: Axel

Where are you?

"Good evening ma'am, are you Ms. Powers?" Asked a guy in a a waiter's suit.

"Yes, sir." I replied.

"Mr. Nikilson is expecting you. Please follow me this way." He said, as he lead the way. We went up the stairs, through the heavily crowded main entrance, and down a fancy set of stairs.

"Yo, is this dude going to kidnap up or something? No one would hear us yell down here." Whispered Lara, and honestly she has a point.

He went down another set of stairs but stood at the top and pointed us towards the bottom.

"Down these stairs and straight ahead." He bowed his head, and left.

Lara and I looked at each other, a little suspicious.

"I mean, Axel would rather die than to put you in danger, and obviously I'm with you, so nothing would happen to me. Let's go." She said, almost pushing me.

"Okay, okay." We slowly descended down the stairs and for some reason, it felt like a scene from Cinderella. Axel came out of nowhere, and waited for me at the bottom of the stairs. The looks on his eyes made my heart flutter. Both his eyes were wide in astonishment, and his smile could cure every ailement. Everything felt like it moved in slow motion. He kept his eye contact like there was no one here but me. He wore a black suit with a red bow tie, his curls were tamed into a side part; a single fringe hanging loose. When I almost hit the ground, he extended his arm for me to take.

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