This morning, when I found out my dad was getting out of jail today, the day of my birthday, I felt sort of ecstatic. He would finally be home for one of my birthdays. But what I didn't know was what would happen before he even got home, and that this was the way I would spend tonight.

A lot can happen from the time you wake up in the morning to the time you go to bed again.

I was at the house when I found out. A couple policemen came to the door to tell me the news. Everybody in town knew everybody, so I found out quick.

They told me I was too young to stay there on my own since I was under 21, and asked if I had anyone to call, or somewhere else to stay. Obviously I don't, so I ran all the way to the diner, in my red cowboy boots I'd had since I was fourteen.

Sherry let me stay a while longer while she closed up the place for the night. She even got me a left over slice of bread to eat. While she did dishes, I offered to wipe down the tables and sweep the floor, hoping it would distract me for a while.

Though, I needed to figure out what to do. Tonight. As I cleaned, I was deep in thought and very focused on making a plan.

I have been saving some money from work, hoping it would help me someday. Today must be that day.

I could use it to buy a train ticket. But this was stupid, where would I go?

I thought, it doesn't matter where I go. As long as I'm out of here.

I didn't care I didn't have an entire plan. Once it hit me that I really am getting out of here, today of all days, all on my own with the money I worked for, waves of passion crashed over me.

"I appreciate your help closing up, Eileen, but the police will find you eventually. They're going to help you, honey." Sherry stated.

"I know. But I'm not ending up in a home until I'm eighteen when I can get out of this town right now."

I thanked Sherry for everything and ran out of the diner towards home to get my few things.

I ran as fast as my red boots would carry me with a huge smile on my face. It didn't take me long to reach my house, but once I was standing across the street from it, the smile faded off my face quick. There were two police cars parked out front and two officers standing at the door.

I'd hoped they didn't see me and wanted to turn around and run again but it was too late.

* + + *

I sat waiting in the police station office as two of the men talked outside the door. I stared blankly at the floor and wished I was smarter about what I had done. I wished none of this ever happened in the first place. I knew better than that. 

After what felt like a long time, the two men came back into the office. Officer Johnny, who I knew already, sat down on the chair in front of me with a desk separating us, while the other stood with his arms crossed in the corner behind me.

I knew Officer Johnny from past situations. It's easy to get bored in a dead beat town like this. So I did what would any kid my age would do. Caused some problems for kicks. Johnny was always the one who had to stop me, or take me into the station sometimes. You could say I'm the reason for most of the grey hair on his head.

"Alright. We've looked into your files and your emergency list. Your parents wrote the names, 'Dahlia and Randy Burton.' Just to clarify, you know these people?"

It all Comes in Waves: The Solitary Joy of the OceanWhere stories live. Discover now