The Treacherous Stage

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Agatha's question was immediately answered by the ear splitting sound of an explosion shockwave from the ocean and Ruby's ear pitched screams. The young kraken was launched out of the water by the dragoon prince's attack and crashed landed at the edge of the Oceanside beach. The earsplitting noises was enough to wake all the citizens of the town as they all came running outside of their homes and buildings to see the injured kraken lying on the sandy cove.

As Ruby struggled to her feet, Valroc erupted from the sea roaring with fury. The dragoon's destructive presence automatically set the citizens into a panicked frenzy as the siren's horns wailed through the seaside town. Valroc cackled "Run you cretins! Run!" he roared as he lunged at Ruby. "No wait! Stop!" Ruby cried as Valroc pounced on top of her and lifted her into the air. "Our deal was that we wouldn't fight anywhere near Oceanside!" Ruby pleaded as Valroc threw her into the air and slammed her down into the town square. "I said our battle would 'commence' in the ocean." Valroc taunted "But I never said our battle would end in the ocean."

Ruby grabbed Valroc's tail before he could attempt an attack "But you promised you would leave my home alone!" she hysterically protested as her family watched from afar in horror. "I may be from a noble dragon bloodline." Valroc taunted Ruby with callous glee "But I am also a mighty war lord! We're not known for keeping promises." Grandmamma flinched with feeling from the dragoon's terrible jab.

Valroc reached back and pulled out his two long bladed pole arms. He connected the two weapons and turned them into one long battle lance. He then wrenched his tail out from Ruby's grasps and rushed at her with shower of strikes from spear and tail. The clashes not only delt great damage to Ruby, even with her armorized body, but the blows from the attacks struck almost every building structure around their chaotic radius.

Everyone in the mystic dome watch helplessly at the destruction of their town. "No! I think they hit the arcade!" Trevin cried out "Forget the arcade! They stomped on the opera house" Margot screamed. "I'm just glad the cemetery is far outside of this chaos." Bliss remarked, until Valroc sent a truck flying into the air and crashing in the outskirts of town, into the cemetery "Spoke too soon." Bliss somberly said.

The two giant's battle was indeed a devastating one. Ruby was trying to remain on the defensive as she was tried in vain to keep the destruction to minimum as possible. She even willingly took a sharp jab to her second lower tentacle from the dragoon's lance to save a huge crowd of panicking townsfolk and a passing ambulance. She shrieked in agony as Valroc threw her in to the air and tail lashed her all the way across town, crashing through countless houses and buildings until finally crash landing on an all too familiar neighborhood.

Ruby struggled herself up, but peered down at the terrible devastation. The whole neighborhood and the countless houses that were occupied in it were completely destroyed, tragically including her own from right below her. The ensnared Gillman family had also witness the destruction and mourned the loss of their home. Ruby loomed over her demolished house, seeing all the furniture, mementos, bottled ships and her own possessions crumbling or burning from the damage. One such was family photo in a ship bottle that Ruby picked up in her giant hand. It slowly cracked and crumbled in her palm as the picture fell apart and the pieces flew off into the wind. Tears formed and fell from the heartbroken Ruby's eyes.

The devious Valroc took the opportunity to slowly lumber towards the mournful kraken child as he raised his weapon into the air for a final blow. He threw the strike but was interrupted when Ruby swiftly caught the lance. With her eyes glowing brighter than an atom bomb, she rose from the earth, turned to her enemy, and shot a furious energy beam from her eyes right into Valroc's eyes. Valro jumped back in agony. "YOU ANIMAL!!!" The kraken roared with fury as she tore the battle lance out of Valroc's grasp and knocked him backwards. Valroc shook off Ruby's assault. "Finally." He cackled "There's that legendary kraken fire I've heard in lore. But it will not save you little monster... or your pathetic home." He was interrupted by an incredible right hook to his jaw by Ruby. "You want fire!! I'LL SHOW YOU FIRE!!!!" she tearfully thundered as she released another hyper charge laser beam at Valroc and forced him in the air and right into the mountain cove where she continued to viciously beat him down.

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