The Battle Begins

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Ruby felt the cold pressure pulling and pushing against her body. She slowly opened her eyes and is once again beholding the majestic abyss of the ocean depths. She peered down and sees herself in her giant kraken form. Her long upper and lower tentacles flowed against the currents, her gills feeling the scent of salt and sulfur, her azure hair dazzled as her bioluminescent purple speckled skin breached the darkness and lit up the surrounding area in a magnificent display of winsomeness.

She then turned to the loud whirling sounds and blaring flashes light coming from beyond the submerged sand dunes. She pushed through the waves, swam over the dunes and saw the astonishing Well of Seas. Surrounded by a garden of sunken ships coral, its powerful energized currents flowed inwards and outwards from the mouth of the powerful volcano like the heart and veins of enormous living being. Ruby was lost in moment of astonishment by the miraculous display when a sharp motion made her ears perk back up.

She turned her head in the sharp motion's direction, yet saw nothing from behind. Another similar motion came from behind and she turned to see but there was nothing. A feeling of wariness loomed over the young kraken as she used all of her heightened senses to survey the area, yet for the longest minute of Ruby's life, she could not detect anything amiss.

On land, from the custody of the energy dome, Ruby's family was forcefully observant to the image of Ruby's predicament. "Look out Ruby he's right behind you!" Brill yelled in vain, as no sound would breach the mystic window.

At that moment she felt a strong surge rocketing from right behind her head as she ducked at the last second as the projectile crashed into the watery earth, missing its target. The ash fault cleared as Valroc, enlarged in great size, stood up and toward over Ruby. Ruby shot back in shock "WHAT?! How are you even...?!" She asked before being interrupted by a fury of strikes from the dragoon's clawed hands "You think your kind are the only ones capable of becoming giants? You're as pig headed as your queen!" Valroc boasted as he lunged his speared tail right for the young kraken. Ruby quickly formed up her body armor as the tail connected. The attack pushed Ruby back with great impact as the young kraken used her three lower tentacles to press of the ground with tremendous force. She rose from the upper depths and came charging down at her fiery opponent, only for Valroc to swiftly dodge her attack and grab one her tentacles with his long tail. 

"Now the, princess of the kraken folks. Show me how you manage to steal back the trident." He cackled as he swung Ruby around and tossed her into one of the energy currents. The tremendous force swept up Ruby as she spun uncontrollably through the hyper stream, banging on countless giant floating rocks and debris. However, she manages to grab hold one of the crumbling debris and push herself off. She straightened her body into a projectile position, allowing herself to flow through the extreme rapid currents. 

From afar, Valroc watch with envious astonishment. Amongst the insane surging energy currents, Ruby saw an opening and dived through it with great momentum. She shifted her mass to change direction and aimed towards Volrac then energized her laser eyes and fired a massive energy bolt at Valroc. The dragoon manage to block the lasers with his tough scales, but wasn't fast enough to dodge Ruby's fist. The kraken connected with the dragoon's face and pounded him into the bottom landfill.

Above ground, Ruby's family cheered with delight. "YES! First round goes to Ruby Roo!" Margot cheered as her high fived Bliss and Trevin. "You go get em Ruby! Show that freaky lizard's whose boss!" Connor joined in. "That's what happens when you mess with my favorite niece!" Brill jumped in his own signature high five, comically knocking over the four highschoolers.

Valroc quickly got up the merky ground and shot up right passed Ruby. "At was a very impressive maneuver kraken." Valroc begrudgingly congratulated to Ruby. "You'll see I'm full of surprises lizard lips!" Ruby replied attempting a right hook narrowly missing. "Unfortunately for you..." the dragoon grinned "I'm full of surprises too." He used his tail too strike the ground, causing a tremendous shockwave that knocked Ruby backwards.

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